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RE: Mainly Mondays!

in #funny5 years ago (edited)

Well , a Braai is pretty much the South African ( Afrikaans ) word for a barbeque.
Pommies is a word the Australians used for the English, but actually meant Prisoner of Mother England, I am sure you are aware that Australia started off as a Prison Colony for the English ( I guess dangerous Characters breaking out would not have much effect?) I am not aware of any nickname for Canadians, however ,they did, after all get the Rolling Stones to perform a free concert!
And yes, BBQ is a popular flavouring for Potato Crisps and Chicken etc.


That makes it all perfectly clear :) Americans call us Canucks - the Stones played in a local bar a few times when here and I suppose they liked the place. BBQ chips and chicken are popular here too especially if served with beer. As for the Aussies, there are probably more here on our west coast in BC than in Sydney - they all seem to be what we affectionately call ski bums who work Mc jobs - ie part time jobs at MCDonald's or local restaurants in order to stay in Whistler for the skiing. I haven't noted any criminal activity but they do talk funny, lol.