The Future?

in #funny8 years ago

My Good Friend Andre sent me this, probably thought I needed cheering up with my current transport fiasco;-

Anyhow , I love music, this cheered me up , and what a Talented Guy.

Hope this makes your Friday Better!(like it has done mine)

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It is a good start of the day.Gotta to love...thank you my friend @awgbibb

Haha. What a great video. I find an uncanny semblance of myself like the millennials he's talking about.


Thank You, My Friend , always good to hear from you.

There are many who can ruin one's day...but other's intention can be one's smile for the day...that can make it better than worst 😊
I should thank you for such a nice cheerful start of my day @awgbibb

@awgbibb great post hahah likey likey , beatles with a twist hahahaha new lyrics

great vid love the video blocks with him doing the diffrent samples

Thank You, yes very clever

Happy Friday, Thanks for sharing. Upvoted!

im glad that i find you ,amazing keep it real :) upvoted followed

This sounds amazing!
I love acapella stuff like this :)
You have one great friend

I know him . he is always creative. And talented ... What a special singer

His name is Mycah tylar bro . And he have a lot of video 😊

Happy Friday! and the guy has put in a lot of effort into the video - funny & talented for sure.

Friiidaaaayy!!! Thanks @awgbibb

If that is you?, you do look really happy about Friday!

it´s my almost-weekend alter ego! :-D

BRAVO! LOL this was funny!
I suppose it is a sure sign that I am getting older, but these younger generation are what I call 'soft'. I see it in my teen son! He always has a reason why something CANT be done!! Plus they don't have the drive to get out there and hustle to make some cash. When I was young and could barely push a mower, I was out mowing grass for the neighbors for some money.

This is well done...should be a youtube and steemit hit. Thanks for sharing

This meme for ur video

Gotta love M-i-l-l-e-n-i-a-l-s

Man, wouldn`t it be great if we could make Steem so popular and easy to use that every and any artist really could come here and get real community engagement not only payment?

Indeed a very good start of the day.. and also of the weekend!!

My first upvoted post =D Hello everybody

haha me2 !!

thank you for sharing

yeah talented
it made my friday

Hope everything goes well for you , TGIF!

loved it so much

May you have a happy Friday

This is great! I remember watching this before and laughing. So true lol

Hahahaha so funny / SO true ! The generation of entitlement . . . . . yikes

I love accapella.

Gotta love Millenials

You are being followed by a coin puppet!

Please follow it back ;)

hello everyone help me

I have followed you !! good start

Thank you for sharing he is a very gifted artiste followed :)

This Friday, hard to mess up :D ... Good work

Oh! I love the song! That song really shows he's talented!

I just woke up. Did not realize was day it was until I saw your post! What an awesome song to start the weekend off with!

before I started listening :| while i was listening :) after listening to this mix :D thanks for this mix I LOVE it

I am still smiling after seeing this vid. The weekend is about to begin with a smile.. it's way better then my post in funny. ( but they are my own pictures)

they post random shit and make millions,
gotta love millenials

Not what i expected, brilliant, now the tune is bugging me whats the original song?

Ob la Di Ob la Da The Beatles.


haha shit is too funny <3

If only I could be so talented... :p Thanks for sharing ! Friday, good day :D

brilliant effort, great wee video

Its certainly brought a smile to my friday face and and give me some inspiration for the weekend

Good job will upvote and follow


good song my friend love it

Nice post !! I enjoy it :)

i just woke up, and this is already looking like a perfect start to my day!

thanks for sharing, this definitely made my friday better :)

Great talent man!!!! Keep up the good work upvoted resteem and followed.

Wow good song kk. Have a nice Friday~~

Nice one!!

Nice video good work

thank you for sharing ,nice!! followed

haha made my day! really good :)

"Gotta love millenniaaaaaaals"...

  • Wait.. but this is very well made content..!? Maaaan!!
    Why was i not following you before?
    And he sang that well. (Before i used to listen pentatonix for a short time).
    That sad ending.. hahaha))

talk about making music with just your mouth... just come across this on Facebook! haha next level!

so cool thx for your post! I resteemed it!

It gets better every time I watch it! Haha brilliant 👌🏼

Nobody can predict the future. You just have to give your all to the relationship you're in and do your best to take care of your partner, communicate and give them every last drop of love you have. I think one of the most important things in a relationship is caring for your significant other through good times and bad.
,thanks for sharing

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