Me, realising that the admiring looks from the laydeez aren't quite so admiring and it's actually because my four month old son sneaked a milky vomit on my crotch before I left for work and I have been walking around ever since looking as if I have had a jizz misfire.

all these elaborate excuses for your jizz misfirings
Sssh, dont give away that they arent quite accidents!
Ahahahahaha!!! A jizz misfire. A jizzfire! Be proud of that dudeski! Count those who stare as people who want to get up on your biz, but can't, because you won't let them. They're not worthy.
I was going to say jizzfit!! But wanted to make sure people for entirely what I meant!!
lol at jizz misfire. Makes me think of There's Something About Mary.
Oh I loved that film!
Or... you're claiming it's vomit...
Sshh, they musnt know of our shenanigans
hahah, Poor dady :p
Like any good parent, just blame it on the son xD