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RE: More Communist and Ancom ball memes

in #funny7 years ago

Included, petroleum, steel, petroleum, steel, petroleum, steel, petroleum, steel, petroleum, steel, petroleum, steel

That's the only thing Russia really produced, the rest was low quality junk that no one would buy, my mother (She lived in the USSR, unlike you, that would probably be in Gulag for not working) told me that the Russian cars were so bad, second hand 3 year old second hand Japanese cars were only held by the rich, by the way, do you think the working conditions in the USSR were any better than in China now? The only difference is that in China you can actually buy food and electronics and many things beyond survival.

Russia's economy, just as now, was dependent on oil and raw material export thanks to its slave labor


last I checked the USSR printed most of the world's books at the time.

"She lived in the USSR, unlike you, that would probably be in Gulag for not working"

kkk great argument you got there.

like I said during the reformist era growth stalled.

"beyond survival." you see that link I gave you?

"thanks to its slave labor" uhhhhhh last I checked the only "slave labor" was the labor camps where those who exploited the working class got sent to. All capitalist countries today thrive on slave labor.

You know that wasn't the argument

You didn't send me any link

Yeah 14 million just between 1929 to 1953, the truth is that every political opponent of Stalin was sent there

There is no slavery in Capitalist countries

Anyways, soon you will get a helicopter ride, I have no power for this
This proves the slavery lmao

also the united States uses private prisons just as you think the gulags were used.

That's not slavery, that's called work, something you don't do, you do x, you get y
In China, that y is worth a lot more than what that y was worth to Russian workers, even though now they probably have the same working conditions

wage slavery.

in regular slavery the y is food and existence.

"same working conditions" m8 70% voted to keep the soviet union. Also all sources I've seen say living conditions, wage, and lifespan dropped off by a huge amount after it dissolved.

What? wage slavery? the f*ck?
What's wage? payment.
A paid slave? What is that, an oxymoron? Autistic communists.

Slaves don't own themselves, you do

Yeah they didn't ask the people in Gulag, they didn't ask the second class citizens, aka Ukrainians, East Germans etc, they asked some rich people in Moscow with factories. Yeah, obviously the lifespan would drop after an economical crisis that Socialism lead to

"that Socialism lead to"

actually it was the reformism made by the leader after stalin. Nice try tho

"2. a person who is forced to work for another against his will. "

starve or get most of what you produce stolen by the rich. Fits the definition right here doesn't it?

"Anyways, soon you will get a helicopter ride, I have no power for this"

to the firing wall parasite