Every neighborhood has one, a house that the pigeons love. The roof is coated white, with poop, and there entry way is a mess. Mean while the houses right next door have no poop, and no birds. What causes this you ask. I have study birds for many years, and have come to one conclusion..... They let them stay the first time. We have done jobs, where dead pigeons have clogged roof drains, and the weight of the water collapsed the roof, and their poop eats away the roofing materials.
Lately I have had 2 to 3 pigeons hanging around my house, but our neighborhood pigeon house is 2 blocks away. At first I thought they were eyeing a new place to hang, and I am probably right. What brought them in, was a tree of mine just seeded, and rang their dinner bell. So the last few days, I have been throwing rocks at them, and yelling. They fly away every time, but are back in a half an hour. I am going to go suck up the seeds and see if that helps, because this will not be my house.
I will burn it down before it comes to this.
Pigeons... they always strike when you expect it the least:
(source: giphy.com)
That is one big bird. POOP
very beautyful birds
lol, yes that is important to remember :)
🤣🤣 hilarious!
do pigeons taste like chicken?
A lot of other countries do eat them. Not here.
Well they taste like chicken, you never know, have you eaten chicken? lol
I've had several of those lovely birds before. But when a strong typhoon hit our area they've all been gone. I wish i could have a pair so i could start breeding again.
Are they a delicious where you are?
Yes definitely. Especially the young ones!
Nahhhh not for me either @bigram13. If I see this I'm throwing rice
Consider getting a dog. We rescued a particularly ditzy one that likes to hunt crows. If we had neighbors I expect we'd get calls because she barks whenever she hears them but watching and listening for crows is one of her favorite hobbies.
Hmmm. one more reason for living in the boonies... No calls for public nuisance when the noise control fails on the dog .
Hahaha, this made me laugh out loud
Pigeons are the worst! Gotta fight um off!
I once had to shovel 1000 pounds of their poop off a roof.
Damn, that's some cute pigeon gangbang!