I am all over the valley for my work, sometimes I have a short drive, but others it is quite long. I was talking to a friend and he has a hour one way. For people of California that is not bad, but I would go insane with that long of a drive everyday. I have had 2 hour drives before, but thank goodness that it is only for a week or two. Well lets do the math, there are roughly 252 working days in a year, and with 1 hour times 2 that is 504 hours divide that by 24 and that gives you 21 days of the year you are in the car. That is 5.7% of the year.... If you get caught in a accident that percentage would be low. I don't even want to do the time I am at work.... That would depress me.
still waiting
still waiting
still waiting
Traffic problem is a serious problem in wholeworld...But it's life.... lolxxx
Ya, we need Elon to get his hyper tube ready
Thats the serious calculation you done dude 5.7% of time in year we are just wasting that we have to think about it.
Posted using Partiko Android
Like I said you get a lot of time in traffic, to think
Hahaha thats the true thing my friend.
Posted using Partiko Android