Totally sold on LED lighting now, and some color correction to get rid of that uncomfortable cool white, and give it a warmer color cast.
This really helps with Heat (that bad heat) on set. Most grip houses are now stocking decent selections of them. The DP (video DP, not the other kind) should be able to spec them for her (or his) next shop order.
The good thing is, they are low power and using them with Battery Plate attachments means more flexibility for outdoors, backyards, etc, with less cabling.
Exactly, LED lighting is not going to make extra sweat happen- but additional color correction is necessary. I do a lot of shooting with Totas because I like the color of the light and despise being around LEDs for the most part- but gah- yes- those are SO much cooler to shoot with! I had a great little battery powered portable LED spotlight that I ended up giving away years back... now I want to get one again!