Lots of great advice here, thanks for sharing. Although now I don't remember what the advice was because I was too busy laughing at the rambling digressions you wandered off into. But I think I found some new Steemians to follow.
Lots of great advice here, thanks for sharing. Although now I don't remember what the advice was because I was too busy laughing at the rambling digressions you wandered off into. But I think I found some new Steemians to follow.
Go check out the #comedyopenmic tag, so many really good funny people there worth following.
That reminds me, wasn't there a comedy contest I was supposed to submit an entry to?
I've been waiting, desperately trying not to salivate too much at a goat curry post which is yet to arrive. Yes there is a contest you should enter. Cut down version of rules.
Check out @comedyopenmic (just click the green text) for the longer version.
I'm now actually following @comedyopenmic so that will probably help remind me. :) Kevin doesn't like goat curry so I think my entry will have to be about something else.