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RE: Finally a Good hair cut.

in #funny7 years ago

Great story, It reminds me of when I used to have a full head of hair and heading to the barber shop was a regular thing. The two experiences that will always stand out to me and I still think of to this day are when I was much younger and I went to an actual Barber shop. It was always a fun experience because of two things. The razor and the vacuum. Now the razor was pretty cool because it meant that I had the cleanest neck ever. He would use it to trim the neck hairs for a long lasting smoothness. I loved the feeling and it wasn't till later that I learned the beauty of a straight razor shave. The vacuum was attached to a post in the middle of the shop. The hose was able to extend to each of the three chairs in the shop. The barner would vacuum your neck and shoulders and the back of your head after every trim to get any little hairs off. I always thought this was so cool.
In my early 20's I was working the night shift and I would finish around 8:30am. This was the same time as the hairdresser around the corner opened. Going to a hairdresser was new for me and it was something that I quickly learned to enjoy. I had a regular appointment every couple of weeks with the same girl. I was always happy with what she did with my hair ut I think what I loved most was that she would wash my hair each time. This process meant that she massaged my head and after a long night at work I would often catch myself drifting off as she was doing this. She eventually changed locations and I stopped going.
These days I just trim it myself at home with my clippers.


I have tried to tlak the wife into cutting my hair, she just says no.