in #funny6 years ago

the devil joke.jpeg

So, this dude dies and goes to hell and meets the devil in front of the gates of hell. The devil sees him and starts talking to him - "I know who you are and I know why you are here.Doesn't matter now, come and pick your punishment, boy".
So, they start walking around to find a punishment for the dude cos of his sins. He sees alot of ppl being boiled alive by little devils , being beaten by them, being raped by them, and , of course, he doesn't want that and he continues to walk on. Not soon later the dude sees a sexy chick doing a blowjob to a crucified man and says to the devil:
-"Now thats a punishment for me!"
The devil yells at the chick- "Sweetie, your shift is done for today! This boy will carry on from here! "

the devil joke 2 .jpeg