Politicians come and go the bureaucrats never leave. Nothing is ever going to change until Americans come together pissed off. I'm not a fan of social programs they literally rob people at gun point in the name of charity. Social programs are a prime example of governments incompetence and people making decisions with feels. Like you told me if you like socialist programs so much both Mexico and Canada are socialist countries. I kinda like where I live not really much government here at all. We don't even have a police force and are almost crime free except for drugs but that's everywhere and I don't consider that a crime
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Bureaucrats come and go too. Nobody lives forever. If you don't want to pay taxes, don't participate in the economy. If you participate in the economy, you gotta play by the rules. Nobody is holding you at gunpoint and forcing you to play.
If you're good at the game there's ways around everything.
Not everything. If any of the big players had an answer for everything, somebody would have won by now.
I will definitely concede that those that are good at the game have a monstrously huge advantage. The lesson to be logically taken from that is you should get good at the game.
Part of the game is making sure the economy has a solid foundation. Half a million citizens a year declaring medical bankruptcy is not a solid foundation.
Yeah thanks Obama care an idea so great it's mandatory
The Democrats wanted a public option. The Republicans forced them to settle for a private mandate.
I'm happy with it either way. Our first baby was not covered by Obamacare. We spent two days in the hospital, and paid over $12k out of pocket. Our second baby was covered by Obamacare. We spent three days in a much nicer hospital, and we didn't pay a penny out of pocket. Obamacare also gave me access to dental coverage, which I was not getting from the VA. Thanks to Obamacare, I saw a dentist for the first time in 10 years.
The VA doesn't seem like it takes very good care of veterans. If government and insurance companies weren't dictating price you would have only paid a fair market price. Health Care is outrageous I paid 1500$ to be there for about 8 hours a couple years ago. Also if health Care we're privatized insurance would still be a thing.
The VA has taken excellent care of my health. My only problem is I don't have coverage for my teeth or my eyes. If I could see a dentist or optometrist, and not pay anything our of pocket, my personal healthcare needs would be met. That means I don't always get regular check ups for my teeth and eyes, because it taps my wallet. Not getting it taken care of regularly increases the chance for something catastrophic happening. If I get hit with 5 figures worth of dental or eye doctor bills, my businesses and investments suffer, because that money has to come from somewhere.
Healthcare in this country is a national embarrassment. Every other civilized country in the world provides their citizens with healthcare, but America doesn't. Insurance and pharmaceutical companies make insane profits while they price-gouge Americans on life-saving medicine. We spend more than twice as much on healthcare per citizen, yet we live shorter lives. People in Canada think we are barbaric for bankrupting folks with medical bills, and they are right.
Getting caught up with the rest of the civilized world on healthcare is just as much about being practical as it is about having a kind heart. Medical bankruptcy is bad for the economy.