Best known in the streets of Venezuela as Dai.
I have had the good fortune to meet this artist in person and I can tell you that he lives art not as something that is done but as something more spiritual, I would dare to say that as a way of life, something that is so linked to what would be impossible to present and not realize immediately.
This creator of quality content has represented Venezuela internationally with his work, having a space in the "MOST RECENT CALL LAST - IRL Show for The Wrong Digital Art Biennale."with some of his best known physical works in the pavilions where the Event was held in Bilbao, Spain.
@Dolores.meiwes is a digital artist that seeks to revolutionize the world of the Glitch Art pixel by pixel, leaving in each of his works his characteristic brand.
JAJAJAJAJAA "no voy a decir mi nombre para mantenerme más underground"... Yo si te conozco jajajajaja Saludos
mano tiempo sin saber de ti bless!
Hahahahahahaha buenisimo.
Jajaja te pasas @caracortada
Jajajajaja coño e la madre vale que risa