Hello Steemit, it seems like many of my humans Steemit friends want to know more about me after seeing me in her introduction post. I'm Indy and I'm just a regular cat, im 2 years old now. I like going outside to play and warn off any other humans that get too close to the house. Some of my favourite things to hunt outside are birds and butterflies, and inside I like to hunt tampons and cotton ear buds. My human still has not worked out that I have dematerialization powers and I can get hold of them no matter where she hides them.
This is my good side.

This is me crashed out, sleeping is one of my favourite things to do. As well as pretend to my human that I'm hungry and then sniff the food and walk away. I just find it amusing.
My human is quite busy studying right now, I try to help her out when I can. This is me trying to tell her that the answer she was looking for was in this book, she didn't listen, just took a picture of me instead.

This is one of my favourite places to hang out. I quite like it outside too, but I spend a lot of time here. Where I reflect on my days activities and plan ways to annoy my human for the next day.

I make it sound like I don't like my human so much, but actually I have a bit of an unhealthy obsession with her. I have to follow her everywhere she goes to make sure she's safe, and I never let her go to the bathroom alone. I mean, she might drown in that running water thing, or fall down the big hole she sits on. I don't want that to happen. I like to be in physical contact with her as much as I can. I'll share some pictures to show you what I mean.

Even though I have my own cat bed, I prefer to share her bed it's way more comfy, I like to sleep on the outside. My human fidgets a lot in her sleep though it's quite annoying.

I really like the band Sigur Ros, I always stop whatever I am doing to watch with my human when she plays them. Her TV is quite small because she doesn't watch it really, only to play music on. These guys are epic! This is where we used to live.

I really love to play hide and seek, especially when I know I have to go to the vet's. The last time I had to go was because I swallowed a cotton ear bud and it got stuck, the day before her birthday, and she had to cancel her plans because I was so unwell and almost needed surgery. I did feel bad about that, but ......oh well.....here is me playing.

It was really nice to meet you all, I hope my human doesn't annoy you guys too much she has a lot of stuff to talk about. Just let me know if she does. She is working really hard at this though so please check out her posts. Well I'm tried now, it's time for my afternoon nap. Take care everyone, until next time!!

funny, furry, friendly feline! :)
lovely cat.
Please follow me @patricksanlin and upvote. Thanks
Nice cat :) @caronellis
Great writeup!
Keep sharing great content.
Thankyou :) I shall certainly try!
"...sound like I don't like my human so much" 😭
so cute & lovely ~~~~
She's a bird killing monster!! Haha.