Neymar copycat

in #funny7 years ago

Animals can learn many things from humans. This goat obviously watched Neymar playing football and learned some tricks from him 😀

I hope you will enjoy watching this funny video 😀



LOL. He stiffened like a board and fell over. That by itself is funny, buuut really? Neymar? You must hate Neymar.

No mate, I don't hate nobody. I respect Neymar skills. I just don't like cheaters and Neymar is one of the masters 😃 That doesn't mean that he is not great player 😀

I see the analogy now. It's a goat (Greatest Of All Time) that can't stand up. LOL


I enjoyed it more than watching his own play!
Oh! and the Germany's match too! shame!

Thanks 😀 😀 😀

Great technique. At first, I thought it was Ronaldo.

He has similar acting talent 😀😀😀

True. What baffles me with Ronaldo and similar characters is how surprised they are when someone, like the ref, tells them to stop simulating.

True 😀

Thats pretty funny and interesting goat.

Thanks 😀

When in doubt, fall to the ground and play dead.

Flawless strategy.

True 😂

So do the "big footballers"

I do have the feeling that I did see this already!


You’ve found him, @cicbar, it is the Neymar GOAT! :)))

Јуче није успео ни једном да з*зне судију, упропастио ми је онако спектакуларан тип ;)

Naši su juče samo za prigovor mogli da dobiju karton. Baš smo mekano igrali...

Ма то су њихови @cicbar, нису то наши ;) Ово су наши:

Кад пре прође 40 година…

I ja se to pitam 🤔

I think he is practicing for the tests of the Brazilian soccer team as striker! If it were for Neymar, he would be ready for the first team, ready to play!
Very funny the video.

👍 😃

Bro @cicbar its intresting video thankx for share us

You welcome!

Sir it is right.animal is understanding all thing about we are guide.

lol animals are also.inteligent that catch your vibes 😀 amazing video ✌


too much funny

This goat is really great, man.

Really talented....