yes manila i remember now Marco and his wife such a beautiful country, could get a butler/chauffeur/and cook with my apt for 120$ a month, cause we ran a small lingerie factory out of Manila during the 80's it"s always nice except when it rains. Here we have a center for phillipino's where if you manage to get here they will help you support you and help integrate you, not that your leaving home just saying there is a pretty large community here for ya.
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Yes, I think filipinos have spread all over the world.
we shall evalute the summer when it's over but i don't expect much special really ... miracles have happened before ofcourse
i think .. maybe unless i get here :
there won't be actually much to it ...
programming lol
started out good yesterday, i barely see daylight and then i get the bright idea to go sit in the flat sun for hours ... my arms are like lobster and i was shivering in bed for like an hour ... almost like a seizure or something , turns out heatstroke can be dangerous ... a lesson well learned :)
yes the sun can be dangerous 10 minute timer should be your number one priority and then the old test with a finger did i change colors yet lol :)) ahh time for the aloe.
good thing i wore a hat ... otherwise i think considering the shivers i might have been hospitalized lol , i should know better than to show my face by daytime :p

i feel your pain i make the same mistake every year, i basically have the same problem and this year there's no shade yet on the plaza, i do 5 minutes at a time from store to store and omg they have air conditioning, i should install mine now, when it goes over 30c plus humidity your basically walking in a sauna :)))
anything over 20°c is already too much for me really, i wasn't built for summer, even less so with the hayfever as a kid, it's not my season, i like the long dark, not the early morn :p (short on RC on rc lately and i'm not used to checking replies on morgan ... even if i was flex enough to write a whole script for it that serves them all nice on page from several accounts, i just don't get to checking it, maybe i should add sendmail or something to it) hope you're doing well there
the hustler-on-the-strip , lol ;-) you probably have 20 hour days right ?
right now i try to spread work time it over the whole day office/street/office this includes my social life of course but i choose my own hours and clients i donot not offer my services to everyone cause it's seller beware lessons learned so to speak, just turn the dial up to what ever, if i told you it's like a thermostat depends on my needs would you understand? . will do more street next week the party begins friday. opportunity knocks i have to figure out how to manage my work flow better :))) already behind on a website.
social life huh ?
interesting concept, i think i remember something about it from a previous life :p
i remember i had hay fever too once upon a time, but it went away :)
yea for me too, when i was doing heavy drugs for two years lol ...
nah it got better over time but it's not really "away" as such