
Yes I am but not comfortable with it.

No, but I am not comfortable with it

I am 32 years old now....But I'm still afraid of the dark, like a little girl as a child 0.on !!!! Sometimes I constrained the horror. I just stand there and can't go somewhere ( leave the corridor)... So! I have a special flashlight :) If I need to go through the dark hallway at night, I take this flashlight with you :))!

You just run to your bed at night in the dark from the toilet and are afraid that someone will eat you on the way back?)))) Just kidding! )))

0.o ... Exactly! You read my mind? And I think from under the bed me, someone will grab my foot if I put my feet on the floor at night...the horror... :)))

It depends on a place?

Nope ...but not too comfortable with it

And how were u able to come to the conclusion that the speed of thought is faster than the speed of light?

by thinking about it :)

You could be wrong

You are right man

Ya in the night i will never gone in dark area ...wooshup my vision is good ..

im not as long as i don't bump in something

Not at all. Just sit, relax and let your eyes adjust. Kinda peaceful.

Nope, I love the dark. And all the interesting things that hide in it too :)

me too i good in the dark:)

I do have good vision but the dark can creep me out sometimes.

I'm not afraid of the dark while it's quiet :)))

This post has received gratitude of 5.07 % from @appreciator thanks to: @darsico.