I thought for certain I would be the odd-ball that's doing almost exactly what I told people I wanted to do: I wanted to be an artist, a writer, and a computer programmer. Now, I have a career as a Software Engineer, I've sold a couple paintings, and am having my first full-length novel being published (expecting my free copies in the mail within the next month).
The only 2 things I had in mind to be as I got older that I didn't accomplish were an Astronaut and a Scientist. Although I do see myself as a bit of a Gastro-Scientist when I cook... most would consider me just loony. Astronauts's just a cool thing to say, so I'd wager many-a-young-boy said that, especially if they grew up in the late 70s and 80s when the space program had already been to the Moon and made American Heroes out of many Astronauts already.
Loony is good! Congratulations on the book! What is it going to be called?
Thanks so much! It is called AJAX Tarnished and, yes, I put my name on Steemit the same on purpose as a self-plug. Tacky? maybe, but that's what unknown writers sometimes must do to generate a buzz.
It's actually the 1st book in what will be a Trilogy when all is said and done. The next books will be AJAX Polished & AJAX Brandished and they follow the tragic circumstances of the main character, Aaron Jaxler, as he lives through horrors, becomes a shining leader for the down-trodden, and then becomes a weapon of war... all the while not wanting to be anything more than just himself.
I'll post a few scenes sometime so you can read it. It's set in a Steampunk-esque world.
Very cool. Looking forward to it!