Really?... Really?... You went there?.. Are we still there as a society?
Really?... Really?... You went there?.. Are we still there as a society?
I'm surprised you still read the huff n puff.
that's a traitorous publication.
it recently called for the assassination of Trump
Calling for him to be tried in a court of law and executed for treason is not calling for assassination. Calling for a trial is Americans' Constitutional right, even duty. Maybe this thing about the Huff comes from more of these "alternative facts" like Breitbart love to print, that in the real world are called lies.
I am opposed to violence just for the record. Especially the MOAB that killed innocent Afghan people working in their fields, as people on the ground there know, and Clinton, Obama's, Bush's, and Trump's continuing bogus invasions of Middle Eastern countries, funded by mainly Haliburton, and the violent theft of the oil that belongs to the sovereign people of those countries. But when America's elected leaders create an environment where violence is praised and encouraged, people will retaliate in a violent way. Why do Trump and his supporters get to monopolise violent force and threats of it? The only people who feel that he and his supporters should, are people who feel they are more entitled to freedom, security and affluence because they were lucky to be born in an affluent and comparatively safe country, or because they speak a certain language, are of a certain gender, or have a certain skin colour.
On one level calling for Trump to go on trial for treason is no different in terms of free speech than Trump saying he’d like to punch protesters in the face and offering to pay the legal fees of supporters who did. Except calling for a trial is a lawful, whereas calling for mob violence and lying to incite hatred against minorities is unlawful, because it crosses the boundary and is hate speech.
Of course people will react to this and want him to face the legal consequences of it.
It's only alternative "facts" which are actually lies, that will say differently.
you didn't read the article did you?
I agree though, the Huff n' Puff published alternative facts.