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RE: This just proves Fiat currency will always stick around.

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

daem....there is a crypto game in this....

we can throw crypto onto virtual g-strings and thongs (not real ones like what Jerry did with selfies)

and just use cryto to buy snort and all sorts of goodies (gamify that shitz)

and make fighter wear a crypto suit, and where it lights up with crypto sign...they gotta punch or attack that spot on the body to win coin..... we'll call it 'proof of kungfu'

But alas can't beat cash as untraceable .... i saw Narcos on Netflix, they bury that shit and just disintegrated. ... no that isn't as untraceable as the shit we all know but don't know, if the government keep printing money to buy teeter to short crypto, eventually what's going to happen to all that fiat money floating around? disintegrate in value...that makes your fiat value disappearing

for good
(yup no coming back like a stock or bitcoin....ever)

that kind of disappearing is truly and totally untraceable.

P.S. Like printing more annually to cover all the politician cost is not enough, now government have to print even more to short every other asset, sweet lets see them buy up every crypto to short it like they did Silver and Gold 80 years ago and 30 years ago....bwahahah, only lasted >20 years the last two times....and after that time, fiat became 1/10 its value to bling-bling....and also a big recession hit!




thanks @ionlysaymeep!


meep! meep!
