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RE: Laughing At Others

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

it was a good thing you were puffing some mighty good ganja

Super High: When Even Puking Feels Like You're Laughing Down A Water Slide
source: giphy


puking always feels like shit

i once heard it feels like someone punching your stomach to unstuck a 3 foot long dick

There is no ganja good enough for what you are suggesting.

Shussss .....don't tell traffy i mixed some dmt into his joint

@acolucky, I was gonna thought there is no good enough ganja, but then I got high. LA LA LA LA LA LA


She should be a whale in Steemit! just joke.

why yes she is.....keep posting and you'll soon be just like her

it's a good joke ;)

@dj123, she enters to the pool, either kids leave, or water goes out.

both the same time....vertically