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RE: A Funny but Strategic Explanation of FOMO and FUD In Cryptp´s : Steem, Bitcoin, EOS , Bitconnect et al

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

Hey @charles1 . At the time of posting the comment. No. I was making a video showing people how steemit works and telling them not to do this but that curating has earning potential. Forgive, me I have actually read the post now.

I agree with you. It is time to get rid of the shitcoins we have become attached to and stick with the stars. It is hard for many people to stay still and stay postitive as the FUD is everywhere. One thing is for sure though, if you are in crypto and learn to manage the emotions, any other investment will seem like a walk in the park. Stock investors act up when a stock loses 2% in a day. we see that in seconds LOL.

So you think it's a good thing to buy up some steem and power up? I was planning to just build as I saw a friend do. But I'm really thinking of powering up?

They did doge coin bad LOL


But seriously, if I was not in crypto and saw that video, I would stay the fuck out . LOL Bitconeeeeeeeeeeect

Hahahaha bitconnect was a very funny one in the video...LOl

Steem power is the big deal indeed and always good to buy if you have the money(my older posts explained why). Very good comment indeed, thanks.

Gonna contemplate it more. Got some coins in the hacked coincheck that just got freeded up. might jut use that to power up