This is hilarious. They can be be little devils. If you want to know what I did and still sometimes do (being a crazy animal person that I am) is I catch them live and then put em in an aquarium and keep them to look at and sketch from. Or drive them like 20 miles and let them go. Here is what I have always done since I was probably 5! My parents showed me how to do it because, well they encouraged my love of animals even in this crazy way.
So, take a big metal coffee can or smaller bucket and tape paper over the opening. Then carefully cut an X in the center and carefully place it back together so it looks like a solid piece of paper but has four pyramids. Now CAREFULLY place some crumbs or anything you get get to sit in the very center of the paper X. And in the morning you will have a little friend in the bucket.
You can do what you want with him, kill him, take him far away or if he is such a genius, put him in a 20 gal aquairum with pet mouse suppiles and he can be an example to all the other mice that: IF you get too smart for traps you have to live in a glass box with the humiliation and indignation of humans looking at you saying cute things like "Oh widdle coot mousey" :)
Good Luck, I'll wait with bated breath :)
I will be interested to see if you try my crazy ways.
Oooh you're gonna hate me then hahahaa, we borrowed a friend's cat lolololol!!
That is such a beautiful story though...and sounds like a fabulous contraption. Now all I can picture is you sketching mice in aquariums lolol!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 You're such a beauty!!
No hate here, Puss has brought in baby bunnies as cute as any Beatrix Potter sketch and then bit their heads off in front of me. It's all just nature. I love animals so I also love them for who they are and mice are on the bottom of the food chain. I have killed them with traps as well as trapped them live to watch and sketch them. I believe in shades of grey, not just black and white :)
I hope the cat does it. I know we never have mice, cuz Puss is the ultimate mouser. And she keeps the rabbits down too which I praise her for, as I have a veg garden every Summer, well fenced, but you know rabbits, like deer, don't give a darn about fences. Though Puss has not felled any deer though, that would be truly awesome if she did...OK I'm wandering into my 'imaginary place' and was just planning a sketch of Puss carrying a dear carcass to me :)
I hope that cat does her job. I have often thought, as mcabre as it sounds, of mounting a mousehead in taxidermy for the wall of my doll's house, but Puss never leaves anything but the offal, and boy is it awful (yes fully intended Pun right there)
Good luck!
Thank you Donna! That would be a great sketch by the way!!! The Incredible Puss: Deer hunter :) :) :)