Sure, something local with less people involved makes discussions and agreement easier and less costly. That is why local is so important. The fact that blockchains and internet support global, communities can only be formed local in geographical terms IMHO. Local means for instance social involvement but also social control, since anonymity does not play a role. Blockchain type of services means anonymity, and that gives chances to individuals to play dirty, and that is what is happening more and more here on Steemit as well.
Even when trying something local, we will face difficulties that we can start thinking about before even trying it. My example how it works with groups of friends and those in the group who 'profit' all the time, is something I've seen various times, in various different groups. On top of that, I've heard about very similar experiences form others in other groups. To me this therefore becomes something that will very likely happen in practise in any community based on 100% freedom. Hence, we can start thinking how this shall be solved. Should we for instance collect all these real life examples and issues and keep reminding the community members all the time that we dont want something like that to happen and that this and that needs to be considered? Should we define rules within the community for these type of things not to happen, or at least reduce the chance of these things happening?
To give you another example: I've been to illegal music parties many times in my life. Those parties thrown by a group of people who simply like to do this in their free time. DJs who simple like to play at these parties for free and so on. But, such parties always cost some money, renting DJ gear, speakers, pay for the transportation costs for those who volunteer to help etc etc. Many times we tried to collect some money from those who came to the parties, by simple going round and ask for a donation. The outcome was always: some paid a good amount, some paid little (but still, they contributed), and most didn't chip in even a dollar! And over and over again, the same people having the same behaviour. I mentioned, I've been to many such parties in my life, and have seen this many many times. And many means at least 30 or 40 times! Maybe even much more than that. In the end you know what started to happen? We started to ask for entrance fee. After done that for a couple of times, this didn't felt right, so we stopped everything, no illegal parties anymore, no providing fun anymore to others, since they simple did not appreciate what we were trying to do. All of this was based on 100% voluntarism, 100% freedom, and the result is that it fell apart.
Now I'm not saying there can be solutions created, but what I'm saying is that we need to think what the solution are to these historical proven failures. We simply cannot close our eyes for this.
Yes. You raise a lot of good points, but if it is presented in the correct manner, abundance is totally possible!
I mean just look at all the go fund me accounts for like @200,000.00 dollars to "save the cats" and things like that.... If people are properly educated and motivated it will happen.
It's a blessing to have lot's of open minded and critical thinking steemians like yourself and others here on steemit.

And this is what I'm looking for. Solutions. Eduction does not come from itself, individuals need to take the role as a teacher and define how best to teach in order for others to get convinced. Motivation: Also that needs stimulation, again with the right stories, examples, proof and arguments.
You are describing my past ten years haha.
There are many individuals with those qualities coming out of the woodworks here on steemit... There is an app which you can use to find your local steemians and like minded people on It has helped me with starting a local crypto network here in Texas. :)
This is indeed what the reality is. But do not forget, that when this stairs is falling apart and someone gets hurt, and this is for instance in the USA, this gentleman will be a very poor gentleman. I do agree, it is ridiculous such stairs should costs 65k$ or more. Even in smaller communities, local even, agreements shall be made on who is responsible for the damage to others, when, where, what.