Do you know the power of your eyes?
You can see the invisible...
LEVEL: Medium
Do you see it? Answer in comments...
Place yourself 30 cm from the screen and control your eyes and focus to discover what is hidden in this picture...
Don't be upset if you don't see it straight... it requires some training!
Is it someone arm-wrestling?
Could see it, just couldn't work out what it was.
I think it is binocular with a lens that is mounted at an angle like building or something like that and it looks from top left to bottom and right at a 45-degree angle.
It looks like a binocular but it is not... ;)
A Spaceship or Satalite in front of a Planet?
Welldone @Deepculture - it is a spaceship in front of a planet ;) I have another one... very difficult... Let's see if you will find!