The little dog Baba was crushed on the road in front of his house ... The mother of little Johny does not know how to announce the sad news to his 8 year old son ...
When he returns from school, she announces:
Johny, Baba is dead.
The child does not seem to be more affected than that, goes up to his room to do his homework, goes back to take his snack and goes out to play with his friends. His mother is finally reassured, he takes the new pretty well ...
Come dinner time. He goes to the table, enjoys his pork chop and mashed potatoes ... Once the meal is over, he takes the bone, leftover meal, and calls his dog:
Baba! Baba!
Her mother was astonished:
But, Johny, I told you just now that Baba was dead!
And there, the kid burst into tears:
I thought you said "papa" ...
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Thank you for the story...
hahaha, kids of 21st century
The story is kinda sad