The wonders of being a woman: My torture session to buy a bra!

in #funny7 years ago (edited)


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Being a woman is not the easiest thing in the world. If I had ever had the choice to come back to earth, I would much prefer to be a man. Many women are blessed with beautiful lean bodies, but that definitely doesn't include me! Well, we can not all be perfect can we?

I feel like a plump little hippopotamus most of the time, especially when I have to buy two things.  A bra or a swimming costume.  

When I was a young girl it was easy to find bra's, but when I started to develop a little bit, it became more and more difficult. I don't like strangers touching me,especially NOT on my most private parts. 


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So there I was minding my own business, when I walked past a shop that specialized in designing bra's. It was a new shop and I decided to peek inside to see what it is all about. I was in no rush, so I had time to find the perfect bra. 

BUT suddenly it was like I was sucked in there by a magical force and I stood in the middle of the shop, utterly confused! 

Here I was, surrounded by racks and racks of bra's, the thing I HATE the most in life. (No wait, there is one thing that I hate more, and that is a fitting room in a bra-shop.)

Have you ever noticed that those mirrors make you seem twice as large as you really are?


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So there I was, on my way to the first shelf,  trying NOT to be noticed, but within seconds, a petite little miss Perfect jumped out from behind one of the shelves.  

"I know just what you're looking for!"  She walked away with a wiggle and little jump in her step. 

I immediately felt intimidated, and tried to turn around and walk out, but believe it or not there was someone else guarding the door, and she stared at me with glaring red eyes. 


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"What the hell...?" 

I thought to myself...seems like once you are sucked in here, you have to buy something to get out. 

So there I was being held captive in the bra store! 

I sighed, while the anxiety crept up and overpowered me.  I took a very deep breath and tried to look a little friendlier. I had to clench my teeth together and managed to lift my lip so it seemed like I was smiling. I was stuck. Come hell or high water, today I will be forced to buy a bra! 


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Little miss Perfect- intimidater, came back a few minutes later with a stack of bra's on her arm. She was smiling and could have sworn I saw the halo around her head.   

"Come on, let's go try them on!"

I smiled at her sarcastically through my teeth, and it seemed like she flinched a little because of my vicious glare, BUT...that did not even stop her. I have met my opponent.  Nothing could drag her down, and even if I say so myself, I have the perfect glare. I once stared down an Egyptian cobra in the snake-park!


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I grabbed the stack of bra's and walked into the dressing room. I closed the curtain behind me swiftly in one movement, and took a seat on the chair in the corner. I looked around me, but there was NO escape here at all.I looked at the bra's and most of them looked pretty decent, but none of these would have been my first choice.

"But what do I know?" 

These guys are professional bra-sellers and I am just the guinea pig! 

I was just about to lift my shirt to take of my own perfect bra when the curtain flung open again. 

"Wait let me help you, you seem to be struggling."

I gave her a second firm stare, and closed the curtain in her face again.  

"I don't need help. I am perfectly capable to put on a bra by myself." 

I said, still clenching my teeth together. 

"There's nothing to be shy about. I've seen it all! " 

I ignored her and put on the first bra. It fit perfectly, and it didn't look to bad either. 

"Not a bad choice miss skinny, not a bad choice!" I thought to myself, wanting to give her the benefit of the doubt. 

 The curtain flung open again and miss Perfect skinny bitch said: 

" Oh no, this is not right. Wait let me help you with the adjustments"

It looked like a fight between a hippopotamus and a squirrel. She pressed here and pulled there, tightened a strap here and there, until my two mother Maria's were quite perky and straight. 

"That looks much better!" she shrieked with her witch-like eerie voice. I gave her a thumbs-up while holding my breath, because I could literally NOT breath now.  

She looked quite excited. 

"Come on, let us try the next one." 

She unhooked my bra and I was so relieved to be able to breathe again that I honestly did not care who touched me at that stage.  

I tossed the first bra aside and she helped me put on the second one. I regained my strength after not being able to breathe properly for a while, and pushed the mean little bitch out of the fitting room. I managed to close the curtain again, and sincerely hoped that she got the message now.   

I wormed myself into this bra, but when I put the  shoulder-band over my shoulder I had the fright of my life. My bosoms were gone. Missing in action! I finally found one under my left arm, and after searching a while found the other one stuck under my rib-cage.

This bra was black and made of Lycra, you know the stuff they make swimming costumes presses everything flat.  Flat is not what you want when you buy a bra.  

I  arranged my bosom again, and looked in the mirror.  Not too bad, and it fits, or at least I can breathe properly. But then I realized that only the parts that decided to stay inside fits.  The rest of me were climbing out everywhere. I looked like a piece of clay forced into a small piece of cling-wrap. 

"Perhaps it will stretch a bit when I wear it" I thought to myself and while I stood there just looking at myself and all my extra pieces, the mean little bitch saleslady jerked the curtain open and said:

"Oh there you all are!"  

"Yes, here we all are"  I said.  

"Do you still have something to fit?" 

"I'm fine thank you. I will take these two."

The mean bitch lady sounded delighted when she ran to the cashier to ring up the sale. It was with a very heavy heart that I paid for those two bra's. For that price I could've bought a new washing machine.  

I have not warn any of the two bra's yet, because the experience is still too painful.  

Hope you enjoyed my story! 


Men definitely have it easier than women Il give you that!

What an experience - I hate pushy shop-assistants! However, it was lucky I read your post while killing some time in a coffee shop just as I was about to give in to temptation an order the delicious looking cheese-pie. But since you mentioned bathing suits, I decided to stick with black coffee, no sugar. After all, summer is not that far away.

Omg, that sounds completely traumatising. I can ony imagine walking into a underpants shop, some guy trying to re-arrange my package, pulling the back of my underpants out of my buttcrack, constantly pulling the curtains open, all the while an Arnold Schwartsneger look alike gaurds the door. Noooo!! Phew, sounds as if they're using a horribly terrifying sales tactic.

My sentiments exactly! I hate bra shopping, and last time bought from Pep which was a mistake ... they lasted 5 seconds! I have just met a woman (one of my parents at school) who designs and makes the most amazing bra's, panties and costumes for all shapes and sizes ... and reasonably priced! She's on the South Coast, so if you are interested I'll pass on her details.

Please pass on to me...I will honestly appreciate it very much!

Hi @giantbear - you can tell her you got her number from her children's school - Vicky 0766678994.

Thanks a mil!

O my word this made met laugh - I could this see this in my mind - love your stories

Lol, I love it. I feel your pain.
I had a very similar experience when I stupidly went bra shopping 8 months pregnant. It was out of necessity, but I’m scarred to this very day by he whole experience. Thanks for the laugh.

Oh my word...this is something that I never ever want to experience again!

ahh @mumofmany
pls can you trill us with your own story. good to have a good experience from our dear ladies which gives us men good things to imagine!

Your words are so truth

hhhhh nice post i like this

This got me aww

Nice Post I Like It

Interesting. :)

Hhhhhhhh It is best to have a diet for weight loss, to have special campaigns issued in your own scissors or to deal with their manufacturers to get your scissors, shape and color that you want

This is hilarious. Your descriptions of the experience are so vivid

Thank you...I'm glad I could make someone laugh today!

What a nice post, hello i am @yzah

wonderful post,good job,keep it up.....

Nice write up, women are everything they are mothers am happy with them

Thank you! I feel this way just about any time I shop for a bra or have to go into a makeup shop.

I just love this, such a great story. Been through this once or twice myself . Sorry she was such a pain in the ass.

ahh...sadly didn't find this story on time. glad i read this as i thought my favorite steemian @giantbear was a guy now i know you a cute lady endowed graciously by the creator himself on a Sunday morning!
this story is an oscar winner! very captivating and funny but interesting and yes, these sales girls especially can make you spend what you never planned to just to get your freedom!
thanks for sharing this

I am sorry for your bad experience but this was a very funny and enjoyable read! Thank you!