"you can't just change the fucking tone of the DCEU like the previous movies didn't matter at all." I think this is exactly what they did and they needed to.
Did you like Batman v Superman? Did you want more of it?
Don't get me wrong, Justice League was very bad. My point is that it simply wasn't Batman v Superman bad.
I can't argue with you when it comes to the soundtrack. I didn't even get that deep into the movie. I don't plan on ever watching it again so I probably never will. I was just thrilled that I didn't leave the theater furious... like I did with Batman v Superman.
These conversations have caused me to think I little bit more about this. I actually don't think "fun" is the biggest problem. I would be curious to see DC do something similar to Marvel. Have some fun movies and some dark tv shows/movies. Logan was dark and I loved it. The Daredevil series is dark and I enjoy that. The Dark Knight Trilogy was dark and those are some of my favorite movies ever.
Perhaps I just can't get over the ultra-serious take on Superman.