My Country Panama is Number 1 for Retirement!
This really made me lmao off. Here are list a few of the funnier ones. Post a gif below for what your country is known for. If you do I will give you a nice 20% Upvote.
Sweden #1 for Pop Music.
Mongolia #1 for Velociraptors.
Australia #1 for Cyber Security Incidents.
Peru #1 for Cocaine.
Russia #1 for Dashcams.
Thank you to the for providing a healthy dose of laughs today.
That bear threaded the needle in that gif!
My country ( Turkey ) ^^
LMAO! That is not Twitter censorship.
Twitter is overrated. Let's make our own Kebap cryptocurrency!
No need, after World War III kebab will be like a basic currency all over the world anyway.
Haha, Shaorma and Kebab. In Romania is the same :D
That's funny 😂
Are you calling us Spammers 😂🤣😂🤣
I use to eat that 30 years ago 😂😂😂
All your bandwidth are belong to us!
Guess the country :-)
Right :-)
India is all about meditation and unity in diversity.
well...Romania has the 2nd fastest internet in the World, and is the only country in europe where 48% of the population has their toilets only outside, and some people still go on the streets with horses and that makes total sense :))))
My country — Russia

Our President— Terminator
I can't ;D
I thought the USA was ranked #1 for Strength
Venezuela is for Beauty queen
Nope, cheap oil. ; )
Well the cheap oil was our best gif for the other country's
Russia #1 for Dashcams, haha!
Most of them are doing that insurance scam thing so they always need their trusty dashcam ready.
I don't think the British are good at anything.
They might be #1 for losing the most colonies.
Spain for LGBT tolerance? Could be worse. Let's say the country gives a good impression outside.
France with the whiskey drinkers is weird, I was expecting wine...
Billionaires. Meanwhile I'm over here like:
Though Scotland wasn't listed, I'm guessing if it was we'd be number one for alcoholics.
I am from Venezuela and we have the largest lake in America, it is called Maracaibo Lake
This survey says cyber crime but everyone knows that everything in Australia WILL KILL YOU!
Hey, dashcams it's so true hahaha.
And two grandmothers fighting after... with guns.
I need to get a Dashcam!
Latvia took the first place in the EU in terms of the number of AIDS patients.
Turkey is number 1 in press members in jail.
country : Poland
What is that ?
It's a polandball :D. On this list there is "currants" but that's not as exciting as "poland can't into space" meme haha
I know that Poland makes good bread and invented the bagel.

The bread is sooo good.
My country is number one at emigration haha
It is that bad?
Oh yeah it's that bad
Same here buddy. Where are you from?
I'm from Lithuania, you ?
My country tis of the NEW AND IMPROVED SPAMINATOR 3000! It slices, it dices, it reads and subsequently encrypts your emails then demands btc to get them back! It also warms hotdog buns. Hotdog cooking attachment sold separately.
Canada (but I don't believe it).😉
I'm from colombia so the image say all hahaha
China: jailed journalists. Some very very smart folks over there :-)
Spam emails apparently. Seems about right.
Scrabble players lols.... It should probably have been worse than that.
Well, I guess that is about right. I sure do get a lot of spam emails. Too bad those were all cans of spam then I would be prepped for the big crash.
Tanks for the Russian humor — :D
Looking forward to your upcoming flashcoin post.
belgium for its beer and chocolates :)
Writes kidney transplantation for my country. I do not know what they mean legal or illegal :D
Glad I don't live in Mongolia bwahahahahahaha
Interesting points. Need to plan a visit to Panama.
UK is top for billionaires- you can't move in this country (apparently) for bumping into billionaires.
Singapore as the healthiest people? You got to be kidding me.
Where is Romania? Romania's missing. We have the most beautiful womens in the world. No joke. And a lot of good food :D
The retirement part of Panama seems about right. I rarely get to meet other North Americans around my age that aren't backpackers, missionaries or Peace Corps volunteers. lol
Do not contain My Country 😃
headed for no.1 in population
can u guess
According to your map Honduras-murder.
I noticed they forgot Belize.
Australians named worst "fart" emitters.
My country was ranked for the worst leader in history. Can you guess which country?? Yeah he's that guy who wants to build a wall.
Haha awesome!
Please do source the map; I am curious, thank you .
My home country Canada = "Personal Freedom" but... I'm living in China.
They are known for "Jailed Journalists". Quite the opposite of personal freedom.
Personal Freedom- From Canada...That sounds pretty damn good to me.
India is known for being only country to have a ocean on its name!!
That is hilarious - I see my country was covered below already by @artemisia with Beer which would have been my logical choice too or cars - however the sources says Germany is #1 for best passport? How do these differ?
"German citizens still possess the world's most powerful passport, according to new research, with Britain slipping from joint third to joint eighth place."
however you require a Gif - hmmmm