Haha, nice one! :)
On a serious note though.. My first $100+ post in more than 10 months are down to $88 right now and pays out in 13 hours or so.. - I'm basically crying! :(
I'm certain of the fact that both steem and sbd will increase again, I just hope they'll increase to a somewhat stable point, so we won't to see such huge ups and downs like we've seen in the past.
That's cryptos for ya..
I think its a combination of the hardfork correction (since in the first days it was a lot more than 4x bigger votes) and the recent dum on the markets, not to mention Poloniex disabling many crypto transactions...
Nothing to cry over, though. :p
Yeah, you're probably right. And of course I'm crying! :D - Well, not really, but it's still sad to see the potential earnings decrease that much in "a blink of an eye". - Especially when I finally broke the $100 curse again! :P
That being said, I obviously don't care too much about it, but if the value would continue to decrease like it did in the past.. Then I'm screwed, because I can't really afford to buy tons of SP if that would ever happen again! :D
If the price were to drop much that would literally mean you could afford to buy more SP, lol.
Haha yeah, I know.....

Oh well. I'm outta here! :D
Like when Steem was on a decline? ;)
Hah! - So not true. I had to take a break before it all went down hill. When I came back, it was still very low. And I've been here since then because I've managed to keep my shit together in a better way since the break I had. :)
What I meant by "I'm outta here!" is that I can't continue to write stupid replies on your post, as I noticed myself that I write stupid shit. :D
Haha, I'm just joking! :p
and nah you're fine, beats the "follow4followplz" comments. :p