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RE: From Greetings Cards to Cattle Prods.

in #funny4 years ago (edited)

I detest the USPS. Fortunately, it seems our stamp system may be simpler than yours at least. I only ran into a problem that required a visit to their office when I needed to mail anything to Canada. It seems absurd that sending a letter to Floroda from the Pacific Northwest is easier and cheaper than mailing to Alberta or British Columbia, a comparative hop, skip, and a jump away, but the stupid border nonsense complicates everything.


They changed the pricing system for letters in the UK. Everything was 1st or 2nd Class according to weight. Anything over (I don't remember the amount) then you had to stick more stamps on so in theory under the old system you could send something A0 size (841 x 1189mm) with a single first-class stamp so long as it was the correct weight. The Post Office had enough of that game and introduced 'sizes' 24 cm long 16.5cm wide when it came to letters with additional stamps required as the size of your envelope increased.