You wanna make lots of enemies and lose so called "friends"? Easy peazy. Just drop a line that challenges their particular version of TRUTH Inc. and you'll see them run like fleece from dead dog's body.
Some sheep just really crack me up. The remind me of the below quote pretty much every day:
To which I would add:
None are more dangerous than the self-proclaimed preachers of Truth Inc. who think they "know the real shit"
Yeah this planet is infested with those zomboids, who bought into the TV broadcast-ed reality (AKA fake news meets Trueman show), added their own flavor of fucked-up-edness into it and spit it out to public as "I know maaaan this shit so bad" personalized version of their own internal fears they never faced and always blamed everything and anything for, besides themselves.
Global warming mongrels, monkey story idiots, crypto-will-go-to-zero-cause-unlike-dollar-it-has-no-value dumbheads, patriotic-bullshit consumers, vaccines-are-good-for-ya child killers, Trump-is-the-source-of-all-evil deadbrains.....what's your favorite category, gimme some juicy ideas here fellow Steeminators!
The day before yesterday I was driving from studio, cold rain pouring all over grim Vancouver evening. I catch a neighbor artist in my rearview mirror treading through the downpour like wet rat, so I back up and offer her a ride. As I'm driving she starts to bitch about some bitch (Alberta province Premier) and how JT doesnt' do shit about it (Justin Trudeau, AKA the pretty-faced liar for those not familiar with JT's cute nickname).
I offered a word of empathy: "Yeah Liz, I hear you. Funny how all the proud electors of JT don't call him on all his scam now. Maybe the truth is completely different from what everybody bought into, and the man who'll end up doing the most good stuff is the one who is always portraited as evil on corporate media: Trump."
Upon hearing this she almost had a seizure. She then proceeded to puke out rehearsed line of undeniable proofs showing that TRUMP IS THE MOST EVIL PERSON ALIVE and she knows that not because of TV but because she has lots of american friends
....well fuck me, she got me there.
Me getting smacked by self-critically thinking free humans...
I gotta admit a hardcore argument like this totally annihilated my defense front.
So I just chirped with an innocent smile: "Not sure about that Trump man's evil heart Liz, I didn't grew up playin pellets with him, but at least he ain't murderer and pedofile like Clintons and Obamas."
As you can imagine, she lost the rest of her shit. Gasping for breath she went on another rant. Because apparently Obama is a beautiful loving person and the only president under whose rule her poor American friends could afford healthcare, that evil Trump destroyed.
I finally understood that there's a genius sitting next to me and that I am the one who is utterly fucked up... I laid down my arms, and offered truce: "Liz, let's not talk politics. Art is a way better means to spend time. How's your painting coming along?"
But it was too late. When I dropped her off at her desired destination, the way she smacked my door with a short smile-less BYE! ( sick motherfucker...) and raced away back in the wet-rat-mode, made it clear clear that I forever put my name on her shitlist.
The reason I write this is because I met her in the washrooms today (we share common washrooms in our art studios building) and her usual cheerful smiling bubbly approach changed to a cold Hi.....(looking sideways with the sourest of the sour puss face...)
What's the lesson from this?
Let the sheep walk in the rain, cause they need it to air their damaged brains!
Hope this brought you some smiles, and don't forget not to take life too seriously, it's not like you gonna make it out of here alive ;)
Thanks for your comments, upvotes, resteems and all da rest of your love (hate's welcome too) Steeminators!!
follow @jankasparec
Sometimes it's so funny to see people's reaction, and now you know next time she will not get on your car no matter what. Probably the most evil thing is our egos, isn't it?😏
That's prolly true Glady!
Evil hates good. Trump is doing this without pay. He is doing it for the right reasons. He was chosen for this moment and WILL serve 2 terms. God has heard the hearts of his people. Trump has his faults but so did so many others that God used for good. He is our hope and my man for the job.
Totally with you on this one bro @enjoywithtroy . Following you!
You got me laughing. Like I had to read the story to my Son. Next time, when you see her in the rain, increase your speed.
Lol. I guess you learnt your lesson in a hard way.
But Trump is really cool tho. I think he's been hated cuz of his outspokenness (activeness on twitter and major clapbacks) lol.
CheersNice and Funny piece @jankasparec
People who blindly spew "canned doctrine and ideas" are pretty funny, regardless of which side of the political spectrum they inhabit! And they are sort of fun to play with too... sometimes we get to watch them implode when they come face to face with their own UN-reality; some, of course, as too far gone.
Did get a good chuckle from your story!
True, as far as it's canned, it's no good. I doubt I'm seeing myself when I look in the mirror. I doubt everything and I trust my intuition much more than so called facts. And if you let me share with you since you left an awesome comment @reddragonfly, I actually do believe that every human being came equipped with a radar for truth (let's call it intuition), but we covered it up by some heavy social conditioning so we can't feel it anymore (or we confuse it with the voice of mind in our heads...nothing to do with it). Good news is: it can become alive again anytime, for anyone who cares for a good body-mind cleanse, and second great news is: truth is a whole subjective matter, so going back to child-like joy and innocence is a way better quest than preaching. Much Love and God bless you fellow soul!
You hit the nail on the head, total self indulgence with maximum god syndrome.
I like your humour, Obama looks great. Jennifer (who is she?)
O'bomber looks always great. Can't wait till he pays for his crimes, that prison meme will look even greater. Jennifer something, celebrities always somehow slip the attention of Kasparec world... Thanks for funny comment @sanddrift !
I reading your story its excellent thank you for shere @jankasparec #Upvote #Resteem #DONE
really funny story here i see @jan really injoy this post dear thank ou
Another Funn post this is very interesting @jankasparec thanks for shareing
Shame on you! Picking on a poor retard. Why are there so many out there?
I kno. Sorry bout that :) Must be all the non-existent chemtrails, mind-opening educational system and clean tap water.
You'd probably pick her up next time anyway :D
Yo Jan, I was trying do some free portraits on my account, but nobody participated :) Are you interested in a random portrait?
There you go, that's me when I'm camping behind polar circle, you nailed it @artzanolino! ;) and yeah I would but she would rather get smitten by lightning then to get a ride from me :) Thanks bro
Wow....amazing story....i like this funny....all the best...
Well, I thought the most evil person alive must be in the "axis of evil" just my thought.
Hard to classify concepts of duality, isn't it? :)
Wow, wild! I'm not even sure what to write. It's funny and sad all at the same time to me.
I don't think any of us has the full, ultimate Truth with no flaws in it; no matter who we are. We have our beliefs, our culture, our perspective, our experience, our research (from wildly different sources!), and it all shapes us. It's crazy how much that can divide us.
The art gallery I'm in is trying to plan a gallery show called "Unity: Imagine" with 15 different artists from wildly different ages, backgrounds, orientations and beliefs. What seems like a simple topic can become a huge challenge! What a wild world we live in.
Thanks Kara! Yes absolutely. Truth is a wholy subjective thing. And the only absolute truth is collective, and totally un-graspable by something as limited as human mind....IMHO. It's way better create art then trying to come up with the right version of something that changes with every breath :) Good luck with the exhibit!
Yeah, I agree our minds are limited on a lot of spiritual levels. And also that some parts of 'truth' can be subjective, based on who is doing the observing and reporting on what is happening. On another level though, I actually do believe that there are real truths in this world. I think it can be hard to define them in words that make sense to a diverse world (even the words we use can cause a problem in how people interpret them! yikes.). But it seems like there are patterns, and themes that have happened throughout history, among people over and over. Acting in Love vs acting out of Fear, and the consequences of that. Violent dominance vs respect and care. There are ways of being that bring harm and sickness and despair and there are ways of being that bring health and hope and life. Those patterns are real. I believe that is truth. I'm sure people will disagree, which brings us to the subjective part. So in the meantime, I'll continue to follow the truth that I see. (And create art like you said! Since none of us have it all figured out!)
Thanks for the encouragement on the exhibit! Lots of emails flying around trying to figure it out. Navigating is an ongoing thing!
life needs friends instead of enemies. but everyone has advantages and disadvantages, you have written a qualified and bermandaat in blog steemit. congratulation for you.
Hey Jan! Long time no see... so i went to check out your facebook page, and i had some fun there! :-) Looks like you got so much life in you, and cool friends. I had a good time just looking at those photos. So this story is just the cream on the top for today ! :-)
ps- oh, and your new t-shirt is a killer too !
Thanks Agnes. Glad you likes stalking me :) :P Yeah I got a good life I'd say. Lots of crazy good sh.t going on :)
So true. Don‘t worry, be happy, just go your way, bro.
Sounds about right, just observe, don't talk, when it comes to the lizzadies. change topic quickly when politics is brought up, even if you two agree it won't get you anywhere you wanna go.
This non-hatred of Trumpeter tho, is this anarchy? He's a politician, no?
Yeah bro, but look up some independent media news channels. He's doing stuff nobody since Kennedy dared, actually way more, and he's taking no credit for it cause nobody knows. The trick is- he is not brought up by politics school, so I'd not really call him a politician per say