Venezuelan beauties from all over the country have decided Margarita Island is the place to be, that is because the Island now has a dozen casinos which contain men with money, location location location, money
. My joint was called the Oasis, 24 hour high level action of and for all types.
But the best place and way to display what the girls were marketing was to be employed at Gold Fingers, a “Gentlemens Club” owned by a French Canadian named Michele, a truly crazy like a drunk drugged fox on the lam in South America due to a drug deal gone awry,along with a suspicious his restaurant fire in Fort Lauderdale, he did like to play with fire. Michele would drink a bottle of whiskey a day and do as much blow as he could get his nose on, and do this this day after day, month after month, very impressive really.
His office walls and ceiling were scarred with bullet holes as he would practice his fast draw with his western pearl handled six guns and holster while wearing rattle snake boots and spurs, ,upon witnessing one of these fast draw moments I must say he was pretty damn quick! as was I exiting his office-
He would often ask employees to test him, letting them use one of his other guns, you know a gunfight showdown at not high noon in the middle of town, but at midnight in his office..
Gold fingers employees were loathe to be called into Michele’s office in justifiable fear for their lives; as he was quick, though luckily not so accurate, hence the bullet holes in the ceiling and walls.
A pharmaceutical expert I knew named Colorado who while visiting the island on a search and buy mission had given Michele the western wear to show his appreciation for the new Venezuelan business contacts Michele had introduced him to.
One balmy Margarita summer evening round midnight Colorado and I decide to go to Gold fingers, when we walked in a middle aged women sitting at the dance show bar caught our attention, strange because middle aged women usually are not at Gold fingers, there allowed to be , but why would they?
My first thought was that she was either a madam in search of talent or some sort of “Bunny Mother” Anyway this gal is sitting and sipping a cocktail, Colorado and I begin a conversation with her out of sordid curiosity, she explains that she has good reason to be in a lap dance club and to be sitting front row center of the show stage, we await her explanation with baited whisk y breath, she explains that she has two young twin daughters and they both are gainfully employed at the club, wow! How nice is that we say as we continue our banter with the good mom, then a few minutes later the club MC comes out and announces the next act, it’s a lesbian show starring? You guessed it, we did not at first make that guess, but when we saw the good mom’s eyes light up with parental pride we put two and two together as did the girls. It was all very touchy feel,.though it was hard to tell who was who in more ways than one
My new girlfriend of several days is also dancing that night “Rose Royce” is her work handle, original no? her real name, I have no clue, she sees Colorado and I at the show stage, comes over and says hello blah blah blah, and then asks me if I want a lap dance in the private room, I tell her no, feigning insult that since we two are now one what would be the point, her point is she wanted $, she was at work after all, but she made believe she understood my BS viewpoint and went on to pursue other possibilities for profit.
Not too long after that interlude Colorado is approached by two gorgeous babes who ask him if he wants a private lap dance, he of course say yes you betcha!, and motions for me to join him because although wishing he had two, he has only one lap, I check to make sure my new gal is not in view to catch my defection in action and off we go into Never say no land.
A few fast hours and 2K American bucks Colorados way later we come out of that private room with the two gals headed for my 24 hour casino the Oasis located down the street a few blocks, its’ almost dawn, and Goldfingers bright lights are on and a cleaning lady is busy with a small bulldozer trying to get the previous night’s debris and smoke filled air out , but as were leaving I notice my new girlfriend still sitting at the bar with a few of her fellow dancers, there seemed to be smoke coming out of her ears in the actual form of hundred dollar bills she knew she had missed out on, but I passed that off to the Fata Morgana, the mirage effect that sometimes occurs at sea and in my mind at this time at Goldfingers, we hustle out into the dawn and grab a taxi and head for the Oasis open 24 hrs., but as our taxi pulls up to the front of the Oasis casino we hear the screeching of tires and the sound of an abrupt stop followed by taxi doors being opened and slammed shut, it’s my new now old gal with her pussy posse, they run to our taxi and open our taxi door for us, how nice I remember thinking, but not nice when they pull my new new gal out and start beating the shit out of her with their high heels and long nails. ( a rendring of that championship bout
Colorado and I sort of try to stop them, but it looked risky, and from a distance quite hilarious, I remember saying to Colorado while the battle was still raging: “Rose must really really love me!” finally the climax, my new gal sits on top of my newer gal and bites her arm, severely it turns out then, the pussy and her posse jump in the taxi their mission accomplished and we head off to the emergency room to get my gals arm sewn up, all this in front of a wildly cheering and jeering casino crowd, who had stopped play to see the impromptu show ,the casino advertised live entertainment after all, and this show was very lively----
That emergency room stop ruined our evening I might add, Colorado and I both felt it an unnecessary delay in our evenings entertainment schedule, a tourniquet, large band aid and maybe a sling in our opinion would solve her problem , hence I tried to talk my gal out of the necessity of going, but since she was losing blood fast and Colorados girl had fainted at the sight, we decided we had no choice but to go, and for some reason the Doctor insisted on stitching her wound up in spite of what we considered our expert opinion.
Failure to help a working girl in need in Venezuela can be costly.The night was ruined