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RE: English: Know Doubt, the Chillowing Spippetry is Rampant

in #funny8 years ago

Funny, but oh so true.

And on another note, thank, thank you, thank you, for putting a paragraph above your opening pic, so I had something to read while the pic was loading. Doesn't anybody else get annoyed that, on nearly every post, they start reading and then the picture pops up, and you have to wait a whole few milliseconds, then scroll down and start reading again?

Oh god, yesterday I rambled and today I ranted. Sorry!


I knew there was a reason why I did that with the first paragraph, sometimes I put the image at the top, and something about it has always bothered me-- that's it! Waiting for an image to load.
I think on this one the plain phone photo of an old dictionary wasn't qualified to be the first thing that was seen, but now I have a whole new reason to precede the image with text.