If Cryptocurrency Celebrities Were Honest

in #funny7 years ago


Dear gullible reader,

I have said many things about Cryptocurrency X. I might have mentioned in my semi-coherent rumblings that you should have been careful with it. In fact, I have been advising you to be both careful but also hopeful because it has potential. Really, It could reach the moons of Jupiter or crash like a rock in the depths of the Pacific and I would still sound legit. Let me explain why:

In the last few weeks, heck even years (who notices these claims anyways), I have been talking about Cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency X was no more or less in my spotlight than some others. In fact, I have been telling you to buy Cryptocurrency X since it was dead cheap. I told you to do this based on some vague ideological reason I might have mentioned some years ago. Nobody really remembers anyways. In reality, due to my gambling nature, I invested in so much other stuff that I have lost track. Most of them went downhill but you will never know because I only mention my wins, never the losses.

My selective presentation of the winners serve as proof both of my expertise and your stupidity. I am also sure that you won't even double check the legitimacy of my claims. I mean, let's be real here. You believe the things I say because you are too lazy to do the research yourself. Heck, in all likelihood, you also lack confidence. Nothing as profitable as helpless sheeple following your every step.

Besides my crypto-shilling extravaganza, I make sure to do periodic interviews with people that even their own mother won't vouch for them. Nonetheless, this is how I end up solidifying your trust and this is all it matters. Through them I make sure to use plenty of rhetorics and sensational narratives so I can set the stage from pretty much everything else I will shill. Heck, after that much manipulative foreplay, you could be an Eskimoo and I could sell you canned ice-cubes.

I continue to sustain my lifestyle with simple psychological tricks that are used in politics — you know, the thing we both (supposedly) hate the most. Our common enemy after all is... the government, right...?. I fight "the system" from the porch of the villa my subscribers bought. They fight from their mom's basement. Let's be real for a second. If the blockchain ever got rid of the government, I would have no evil to turn you against. My gig will probably end.

Remember. It is of vital importance to shower you with fear, distrust and delusions so I can become your daddy figure. In this way, even if I screw up from time to time, I would still have you in my grip. Heck, you are going to shill me to your friends without me even trying. I made sure of that already. I have slowly become the person that does not give a shit about you but to you I am the only one you can turn for understanding.

You can get into despair any time you wish. You are going to continue to be subscriber because you are pretty much helpless by yourself. You will continue read and understand whatever I want you to understand. I will continue satisfying your childish emotions and you will continue fattening my pocket.

Sincerely Yours,

Person X


There are 2 pages

You should never believe Person X; it's so blatantly obvious he is just after your money. I, on the other hand, will guide you on the spiritual path to true enlightenment and many Bitcoinses, for just a modest fee. All you need is something to believe in!

We are still at the beginning at the crypto revolution. Most people don't know anything about blockchains. At this point, most applications are not blockchain enabled. But all of this will change to where most data is recorded on a blockchain.

Exactly, well put.

Who is this guy? He seems pretty cool. How many buttons are open on that shirt? Where do I meet him? Can I bear his offspring?

Last I saw he was at Bildyerbabies Meeting or something like that.

How many conspiracies ago? Did he illuminati as well? I love it when he illuminates.

Person X was illuminated by drinks at Bildyerbabies from the clip I saw, which came with a disclaimer, as should all videos about serious topics like Bilyerbabies, that the person in the clip giving the expert opinions is in fact inebriated ... which of course just gives them even more credibility.

but..but but.. i thought we are now in a colon-all-detox era?! no?

Hmmm let me ponder that for a second over this ... glass of colon-all-detox.

It was the coffee enemas. Why discuss the coffee enemas?

Coffee is supposed to go in the other end!!!

Very true. I will continue to read whatever you want me to read as long as you continue to satisfy my childish emotions!!

Thank you for an entertaining and yet very valuable article. There are too many people out there blindly following the advice of "masters" and "guru's." When I started in the cryptoverse I saw how many people were getting screwed by crypto promoters and it drove me to starting a research based advice blog.

If I post a coin review, I try to explain and list my sources. I also include TONS of links to relevant information for people to read on their own when they have time.

If someone is shilling a coin, go for the exact opposite

Totally agree. That is why it can be useful to check in on promoters... It's good to know what to avoid! lol

Haha nice posts, I agree, sounds like a certain someone

The reality is over the last few years, the way crypto market cap has been growing even if you gambled badly you could (and mostly likely would) still end up winning... Amusing post though thoroughly enjoyed it... And I may or may not only be saying that to get your upvote!

yeap, even a retarded monkey could come up with a profit.

YES, this is what is happening. SO many day traders who think they're cracking the code, when in reality they're trading in a market that grew 1000% in 6 months. It drives me crazy seeing that stuff, one recent altcoin livecast had so much "dump/pump" talk in the chat despite the devs trying to lead a decent conversation. SIGH.

You know what is great about this article, you very well could have inserted "stock market" or "real estate market" in place of crypto and the entire article still plays.

Sad, but true! Due diligence people, it's important.

yeap. Actually this is how I first designed it but I wanted to put a special emphasis on cryptos.

i feel like this is directed at a certain someone, but i'm not sure who...

How come? We all know who.

Yeah, TOTALLY vague :D



@kyriacos, Sattire in its best attire. 👍

I also know where the pirate gold is buried.
It is under a tree in a wood on an island in some archipelago. :)

hur dur the pirates!

I agree with you, I think its like "hot cake" which must be eaten when hot because when it cools down it dosent taste good and if you still keep that same cake it develops bacteria which are harmfull :)

Darn you ...bakers

You get my vote for making me feel like shit!!!

you are very welcome!

Yeah looking at those crypto "experts" on youtube they always show a graph pointing at the low party saying how they bought there and you should have listened lol. Good way to pump what you have invested in + earn some $$$ from your "course" on the side, kind of a freeroll. I liked the irony in the article!

Yeap, so many idiots to cash upon I guess

"Yeap, so many idiots to cash upon I guess" happens to align with the reason of why 95% of tle altcoins exist imo.

indeed. and that is the scary part...

very interisting indeed. I waiting for your another post keep it up. upped and followed feed me to :)

You mean I shouldn't have invested my life savings based on what David Seaman said on YouTube?

Oh shit!

You know you missed the opportunity of a lifetime right? right?

LOL. Love the irony in this post. You almost got me there!

almost? or darn it...

That's painfully true.

Brilliant, thanks! This is the genre Steemit lacks sometimes :)

I do these once in a while if there is an opportunity

No! Not reverse psychology please! ;)
Why did I like this? idk myself


hahaha lots of truth there!!
I know the reality about only telling the wins, I do it myself too (Poker)
But you are right there in the end... we are here hoping to be enlightened by some random guy behind a computer god knows where.

So... whats the new gem? :P

Thanks for the great words

glad you like it man.

the new gem is always the scam that will pump the most!

True. So many fakes and liars out there. Don't believe one word of it.

yeap. gotta have your radar on

@@ -248,16 +248,27 @@

  • in reality
    did not

What the hell happened to my comment? :D

Your comment shit itself in the blockchain mate. It's a "vigilant" curse :'D

Well said! I don't trust most celebrities in anything. Most of them are on the governments side or a politicians side.

Mark Cuban bashing Bitcoin on social media causing a drop in price. He's working for the elite who aren't profiting from Bitcoin like the banks.

So many things are just an illusion.

Everyone has something to gain. The point is not to be an idiot and drink their kool aid

didn't Cuban reverse his position...?

Mark Cuban Changes His Mind: Tells Fans to Watch Bitcoin

Oh I didn't see that. Well, I'm glad he did. Maybe all after all the negative feedback he got, he changed his mind.

@kyriacos RE article - not sure if good thing or bad thing =^|

there is no such thing as bad fame man. no such thing

This is hilarious. I think you hit on every main point that person x has done, ever. People blindly follow anyone that seems "important" and they forego their values and instincts even if they know it's wrong. Person x has control of them and I think it's important they realize that so they can start thinking for themselves. Great post!

Glad you enjoy it man. Thing is, most people treat these manipulators like Hotel California..they join but they can never leave

That mask at the end freaked me the heck OUT

that was the point

this is getting sexual.

We moved to the new group.
Please join and prepare for the next pump!!!
Pump Notifier/Trading Signals

Modern crypto gurus :) . Unless they pull any kind serious of math, all they say is pure gamble. Lets not sugarcoat it, obeying traders who trade based on hunch and feelings, is same as using martingale on roulette. Chances look skewed in your favor, but in reality, you are all-in with exponential losses, and linear gains.

Echos in the chamber

Let me introduce you to my associate, signor Ponzi; he is starting StampIt, a crypto-coin-mining venture based on his new POS (Proof of Succour) algorithm.

Can I has two truck loads of ice delivered to my igloo by tomorrow night.
Lol nice post.

I'm confused. I guess that was the point... to show people that in confusion we turn to something familiar whether it is real or just a figment of the imagination. Trust can be bought and just like everything else power is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

it is a sarcastic post

How cleverly you all pin up the end of the post=)) LOL

me? i know nothing! :D


Hey, I know this guy's brother! Mr. I-have-no-credentials-but-I-read-something-by-a-self-proclaimed-expert-while-staying-at-a-Holiday-Inn-Express-last-night

_< hahaha

An excellent read and topic, thank you!

You forgot to mention your affiliate link to a Bitcoin MLM, affiliate link for Genesis Mining, and invite us to your HYIP group on Discord and Telegram.

oh darn it! i knew i forgot something! i was thinking to put them actually and then they slipped my mind

In today's post from person X, he mentioned that he's made 100,000% profit in bitcoin. In a previous post, person X stated that he bought Bitcoin back when it was $13USD. To the best of my knowledge, Bitcoin has never reached $13,000USD as of yet.

There was a similar mathematical error in the gains he has made in ETH, when you compare to a previous post.

But, who's keeping track of those types of things.

well, not the sheeple paying for subscriptions...

fucking brilliant. applaud.

glad you like it man

Your remarkable stab at humor has me smiling broadly...

I knew there was a reason I followed you and keep you in my feed! ;)



glad you enjoy my shit man

I find Mr X entertaining. He spins a wild tale.
I accept people get sucked into the whole "Run for the Hills," hype.

Smart people are easier to scam, according to a report on Nigerian 419 Advance Fee Fraud statistics.
According to the report, losses from Nigerian scams
totaled $12.7 billion in 2013.
Ya cant scam all of the smartest people all of the time
Ya cant scam all of the smartest people some of time
But ya can scam some of the smartest people all of the time

I certainly wouldn't hand over $80,000 for a Mexican Passport.
I watched that particular Video as Mr X, tried to explain away, how the Mexican Passports never materialized.
As I said, he is very entertaining.
I wouldn't invest, then again I'm not his target audience.

An interesting and humorous post, thanks for sharing.

I guess some people just enjoy drinking the kool aid

My God very well said. Thank you Person X for reminding me to do what we have to do, and get better at it. I will copy everything you said and post it in all the other Social Media channels I know about. Truly a father figure. Love you dad.

Sincerely yours,

son of Person X

Dear Person X. You forgot to add some profound technical chart analysis. If you can't read some sense into a puddle of spilled coffee you are not worth a follow.
Thnx, Bye.

no need to complex lines. just believe me!

Ahhaa, hang all the salesmen!!

hang hang! lol

There are 2 pages