The ones that get at least a smile make it in the list! :D
For a's a video of one of their pizzas (the one with topped with little pizzas):
Similar to my episodic posts (posters, images, tweets...) I am going to aim for between 5-10 entries per post.
(See the comments below for embedded links & images for each item. You can even vote for this post as a whole, or each of the puns individually. I'll know how much you're laughing along with me!)
21.) Night of the Living Ched (Now I'd like to consider putting some sort of hot sauce in my baked mac!)
22.) Phantomato....
23.) The official condiment: Dijon
24.) The Dark...Al Dente?
25.) Steaks to unite Americans....?
26.) 'Herb' my enthusiasm? Yes please!
27.) Unsteakable? (Joss Whedon might like that reference too!)
28.) One serious snack please!
29.) Pizza Seed
30.) A pun evolution during a hot day.
How did I find their Instagram feed? If I remember correctly, I was on Tumblr looking for FNL related posts. Then found one with Coach Taylor (TBA for Instagram link!).
Do you have favourites? You can add them as a link in the comments Here is my bookmark for the next entry. Alternately... Feedback is welcome here....or via a Tweet.
Previous posts from this series:
For upvoting, I had heard from Steve Clark, that it is better to upvote posts that are less than 7 days old. So if you would like to be sure I get rewarded, head here to see newer posts.
Search Terms: New York / Pizza / Cheese / Crust / Vegetables / Sauce / Special / Off The Menu / Harvey Dent / Batman / Gotham / Curb Your Enthusiasm / Buffy / Harry Potter / Avocado / Mustard
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
The Night of the Living Ched - Macaroni noodles, Extra cheddar, Fresh jalapeños, Garlic and Sriracha sauce on a white pie. Today's Special at Vinnie's Williamsburg #pizza #vinniesbrooklyn #sriracha #macandcheesepizza #veggie #extracheeae #macandcheese
A post shared by Vinnie's Pizzeria
50% of our staff is going to see Iron Maiden this weekend. They are obviously pumped. Board by @etalien137 #IronMaiden #vinniesbrooklyn @ironmaiden
A post shared by Vinnie's Pizzeria
GAME OF THRONES COUNTDOWN! (Every 30 minutes I'll be posting a GOT Special Board until the premiere!) #GameofThrones #GOT7 #VinniesBrooklyn
A post shared by Vinnie's Pizzeria
Twoday's Specials! Harvey Dent @ Williamsburg Two-Face @ Greenpoint Try 'em all! #vinniesbrooklyn #twoface #harverydent #pizza
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Happy Birthday America! (Swipe to see Patriotic Special Boards from Vinnie's past) 🍕🇺🇸🍕🇺🇸🍕🇺🇸🍕🇺🇸🍕🇺🇸🍕🇺🇸🍕🇺🇸 #july4th #america #pizza #vinniesbrooklyn #usausausa #specialboards #todaysspecials
A post shared by Vinnie's Pizzeria
Have a pretty pretty preeeettttttty good 70th Birthday, Larry David! #vinniesbrooklyn #larrydavid #curbyourenthusiasm #prettyprettyprettygood
A post shared by Vinnie's Pizzeria
"They called me MR. GLASS!" #vinniesbrooklyn #mrglass #unbreakable #samuelljackson #pizza #todaysspecials #pizza #greenpoint #mnightshyamalan
A post shared by Vinnie's Pizzeria
Happy 20th Anniversary Harry Potter! (Past Special Boards) #vinniesbrooklyn #harrypotter #Published20yearsagotoday #harrypotter20thanniversary @officialjkrowling #jkrowling #pizza #specialboards
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Avocadough #vinniesbrooklyn
A post shared by Vinnie's Pizzeria
Hot Cheese x Cool Breeze. #vinniesbrooklyn #williamsburg #greenpoint #pizza #princessdiaries
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