In The spirit of The Brady Bunch... "Marsha Marsha Marsha"
When you get your goons to come into another room and stand up for you...
Make sure they are intelligent and have the ability to think logically... like @roguefighter420 said... "I'm here to get @mrwang side of the story" then bitch and complain about why I have to be so epic and badass, maybe too badass to be involved in petty drama.
I was very touched by his effort.. I offered him a wangchange token for his troubles.. sadly, he declined.
with that being said...

Consider this the last bit of attention I will ever give your name...
fyrstikken is an afterthought... just like a few other hashtags that come to mind
Now excuse me while I go be productive in my own facilities with my own production team... cause I'm way too busy to troll on people for no dam reason.
I am Wally and I am out!!