Racism?(throw the jew down the well?)
When a Jewish comedian sings about other Jews, in a satircal way, it's hardly racism.
No different than milo taking the piss out of gay culture....Hardly a homophobe.
Sacha Baron Cohen is himself a Jew who is likely not an anti-Semite nor a racist nor a homophobe. He used the Borat character to force people to confront their own biases in unconventional ways.
I realise this post is satire. The Jews have suffered centuries of persecution, but I know Corbyn (the real one) has issues with Israel. Even if a group has suffered persecution we should still be able to discuss their faults. Nobody is perfect. This is a deep topic I'm not going to dive into right now
We will be bringing back the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as obligatory reading for 5-6 year olds. They need to know......