On my mom's side, I can trace it back to about 1790, on Dad's side, to about mid 1600's. Although, Dad has a Dionysus in the family, every other generation from the island that The Dionysus comes from, so, not to brag, but pretty sure, I am descended from Mt. Olympus.
Maybe a slave or servant somewhere way back slipped into his mistress's bedroom when master was out conquering some city-state, but near as I can tell, completely Greek.
My girls are half Greek (me), 1/4 swede and 1/4 english (my wife), but they have a Yiayia, and a Papou, too.
By the way you wrote Asia Minor, I read Asia :P That's why I said partially ahahaha !!!
I'm also from Minor Asia [Kios - now Gemlek], Constantinople and Cappadokia [dad's side] and baaaack in time, Venice ['cause grandpa -mom's side- from Corfu ;) ]
Most people call Altatsata, Turkey, but, my Yia yia would kill me, if I did. She was Greek, and the Turks kicked her and family out. They lived with cousins in Chios across the Straights, and then, to here, in America.
Me? Greek?
On my mom's side, I can trace it back to about 1790, on Dad's side, to about mid 1600's. Although, Dad has a Dionysus in the family, every other generation from the island that The Dionysus comes from, so, not to brag, but pretty sure, I am descended from Mt. Olympus.
Maybe a slave or servant somewhere way back slipped into his mistress's bedroom when master was out conquering some city-state, but near as I can tell, completely Greek.
My girls are half Greek (me), 1/4 swede and 1/4 english (my wife), but they have a Yiayia, and a Papou, too.
eh eh you confused me now :P
so 100% Greek :P
Ante, giati de milame ellinika tote :P
By the way you wrote Asia Minor, I read Asia :P That's why I said partially ahahaha !!!
I'm also from Minor Asia [Kios - now Gemlek], Constantinople and Cappadokia [dad's side] and baaaack in time, Venice ['cause grandpa -mom's side- from Corfu ;) ]
Most people call Altatsata, Turkey, but, my Yia yia would kill me, if I did. She was Greek, and the Turks kicked her and family out. They lived with cousins in Chios across the Straights, and then, to here, in America.