There are shit posts and then there are shitty posts. I prefer the former to the latter but I digress, this shit post with attached shit pic is the shit.
groan, gurgle, squeeee, bloop
And with that, my friend, my bowels have gone into auto-flush mode. So before I part for the land of the eternal wipe, I bid you adieu -- and your shit pic needs some corn or peanuts in it. It might help float it to the top. ;)
Brilliant!! I was suggesting some loose pooh pooh, but the corn..I didn't think of the corn!
LOL Corn. Peanuts. Too many grapes.
Oh... prenatal vitamins certainly makes shit black as night and BooBerry cereal makes it an interesting shade of purple. I fear what Frankenberry would do to poo.
My dog ate crayons once, and I found out it is possible to shit rainbows...was tempted to give it a try, wait, did I write that?
Hey, how do you make the teeny tiny letters? I get how to make them
but not teeny.Ah, the tiny letters.
Superscript < sup > take out the spaces < /sup > and it will look like this
Subscript < sub > replace the p with b < /sub > and it will look like this
CRAYON POO! How delightful! LOL
Should have ate my vegetables... this is true. I should have known better. Dammit! My big chance to break out onto the shit scene... foiled by a technicality. My next shit is going to be huge, I promise!
May it be no less than a 2 flush event!