Swans - animal "Vogue" (funny)

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

DISCLAIMER: No animals were harmed and we apologize for comparing them with humans :D

"I am so sexy and I know it"

"When I get my leg up, all the boys fall to the ground"

"It is my turn for a photoshoot, you fat cow"

"I hope I will be paid well for my Yoga position"

"This long neck of mine is perfect for your diamonds"

"Come with me, mmm, let's travel to the island of fun"

"All the workout in the gym has finally paid off, I am gorgeous"

"I am next, I need get my hair done"

"Spit it out, spit it out, you ate last month, you must stay thin"

"Kim Kardashian is nothing, I am so bootylicious"

"You are calling yourself a fashion photographer, can you see what I look like, you are FIRED!!!"

"Thank you, girls, this is all for today, you are true professionals"


Jedino sto su tvoje fotke mnoogo bolje od mojih :))@mixology, jos ako si snimio ovo u petak popodne, onda smo bili na istom mestu u isto vreme i snimali slicne pernate pozere :)

Snimaljeno je juče, petak je bio rezervisan za Adu, te fotke tek slede.Hvala @jungwatercolor :D pozeri su baš bili raspoloženi za saradnju.

Super sličice! Baš su mi nabacile osmeh. 😁

Hvala, cilj je ostvaren čim je osmeh tu.

Super su fotke i priča koja ide uz nju :)

Hvala, drago mi je da ti se dopalo :D

modeli su izgleda bili raspolozeni :D

Kupis kokice i odmah se oraspoloze. Sve je u podmicivanju, pa i kod labudova :D

izgleda nezahtjevma ekipa za foto shooting, odlične slike

Zavisi koliko si spreman da ulozis (kokica) :D Hvala :)