Mitch Hedberg Jokes #1: Blackjack

in #funny8 years ago

Mitch Hedberg was my favorite comedian, its unfortunate he passed so young and the world will miss his unique style of one-liner humour. Now the thing about Mitch's jokes is, if you haven't heard him before then it usually takes a few jokes before you start to realize how funny they are. Also, his delivery is really good, and unless you can read the joke in your head in his style, it just won't cut i'm also including a video that will begin on the joke. If you don't find the joke funny then try watching 3 or 4 jokes in the video, if you still don't find it funny, well Mitch might not be for you.

I like to play blackjack. I'm not addicting to gambling... I'm addicting to sitting in a semicircle.

Mitch Hedberg

For some reason the timestamp isn't working on SteemIt, but this joke begins at 1m43s.

Cheers @moneybags