Corporatism Is Not Capitalism
Why do people misunderstand this basic definition of what corporatism or states capitalism is?
The tale might actually be more conspiracy orientated than you think, first ask yourself why is capitalism such a dirty word? How many people have died because or directly due to the system of capitalism?
"The first lesson of economics is scarcity: there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics." - Thomas Sowell

Then ask yourself how many people have died due to socialism? Does Stalin and Mao ring a bell, 150 million people dead.
"Socialism has no moral justification whatsoever; poor people are not morally superior to rich people, nor are they owed anything by rich people simply because of their lack of success. Charity is not a socialist concept - it is a religious one, an acknowledgment of God's sovereignty over property, a sovereignty the Left utterly rejects." - Ben Shapiro

I just had to add this last little gem, after the reaction from the FBI and the mainstream media. These brain dead morons have been saying for months, what a complete devastation the release of FISA memo would cause to the institution that is the American government. Yet now they are saying it means absolutely nothing, how stupid do they think people are... Oh wait, I forget, that there are still people who think Trump is literally Hitler.

You're either laughing or you're learning.
Join me tomorrow for more lessons on these really easy to understand concepts.

Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.

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It's not that they "misunderstand". It's that they're manipulative and a cancer on this earth and humanity.
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I think the next hitler will be a big company that has a monopoly on selling some kind of basic food somehow.
ha ha very funny memes, you have shared. thanks for makes us laughing 😂😂😂
the wrong person, always trust his own opinion, although the opinion he issued can not receive many people .. it is one of the characteristics of the person who should not use as a leader.