MemeLogic - Oh The Media

in #funny7 years ago

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Will They Ever Learn?

Sadly the answer is no, I say this because it's been a few years now, and year by year they are just getting worse.

It's very much similar to the firs time you told a lie, you were very young and you got caught out, and nothing will ever feel that bad again, ever. Each time you either got caught or got away with it, lying just became easier and easier to do, and eventually you probably stopped feeling bad. Luckily for me as a kid, those lies I told eventually had bigger and bigger consequences. Thanks to my parents, obviously I did not value these consequences then, but do think back now, and understand how necessary they were.

It's seems to me, that the mainstream media has never learnt these valuable little life lessons. The last few years they keep getting caught out telling lies, I'm not going to go down the rabbit hole on each of them, its more about the principal. Every time this happens we think, well they'll never do that again, but low and behold they end up out doing themselves each and every time.

"If people in the media cannot decide whether they are in the business of reporting news or manufacturing propaganda, it is all the more important that the public understand that difference, and choose their news sources accordingly." - Thomas Sowell

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So at what point do these media empires, who influence what the majority think, become even the tiniest bit honest again?

How many times can you be caught out trying to force a specific agenda or preferred narrative, before you loose complete trust from those who give you this ultimate power? The more I think about it the more I end up believing, never. I think the now famous historian, politician, and writer, John Dalberg-Acton would most definitely agree with me. He wrote this many many years ago, but this still rings true to this day. "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." The media will never let go of this power, they have become drunk with it, and this is unfortunately due to being able to sway the minds on the masses. Those that believe what ever the man on the TV tells them to, only through them can this dragon be slain.

It's happening each and every day.

"The mainstream media has its own agenda. They do not want to print the facts. They have an agenda, they have a slant, they have a bias. It is outrageous to me." - Curt Weldon

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You're either laughing or you're learning.

Join me tomorrow for more lessons on these really easy to understand concepts.

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Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.

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Speak your truth.

it is as you say. the more one lies, the easier it is to lie. I think of politicians as the most glib fibbers on this earth. The ones who are meant to protect us and make good decisions are the ones who lie to us.

Not a world I want to be involved in

'glib fibbers'...that's awesome!

Lotta truth right here. The tide is turning - and it is unstoppable. That CIA watch list is gaining membership rapidly..... 😆

Very true good sir.


i hate liars in my life,anway @morkrock this remind us all that we should be careful about what we believe online wealther its an expected imail from a friend that contains un intresting link, they will get people who do those memes

"A lie said hundredves becomes truth"

"What is this invention of a story that you mention? Without question, they spit it out with ease, it seems it comes so natural, all their words are poison apples, its a pitty cause they taste so sweet!
All we hear are lies, lies, deception and disguise, lies, concealed within their eyes, lies, lies will lead to their demise, tattle-tales and little white lies" - @nicknightshade