I agree some men are good and some are bad, but the same goes for women. I don't think Ford did this for fame and fortune, I think in my opinion, she did this due to political motivation, and here's why. When you keep throwing petrol on the fire of how bad and evil Kavanaugh is going to be for months on end, people will go to extraordinary lengths to do what ever they can to stop said evil.
The FBI, in this situation does not reach conclusions, they only present swore testimonies to congress, as it is not a criminal case. As for his unhinged character, how would you react to allegations of rape or sexual assault if you we innocent, and everyone had already decided you were guilty.
We also can't ignore that she sat on this for 36 years, then add the swore testament of everyone there, her old boyfriend, and that the Democrats sat on this for six weeks to use it as a delay tactic, and that now after all is said and done she's not not actually pressing any charges?
We can't burn people at the stake of public opinion because we decide she sounds more credible, it was her word against his, until the people she claimed to be there all said they were never at such party. The burden of proof is on the accuser and once we go down the road of ignoring due process and the presumption of innocence, there is no coming back. Do we really want to live in a world were you require nothing more than an accusation?
I absolutely agree this was political for the Democrats and I of course absolutely never would want to live in a world where public opinion could be enough to convict a person.
I have way more to add to this but am in lack of time for now - I do want to point out two things that are closest to my heart and I would want more people to understand:
Trauma can 'hide' for 36 years, easily, and suddenly burst when triggered with a sharp enough knife. This is how the brain keeps us sane, literally. The worst things that happen to us are put in a brain box only to be opened when stimuli that are closely linked to that trauma pop up again. Hence why it makes loads of sense these cases often 'suddenly' appear when a name gets more attention/a face pops up on tv. This is literally a stimuli that pokes the trauma box and opens it. It's like a soldier that can live a happy family life for decades and suddenly burst in tears when a loud bang sound happens and he starts to relive all his past war traumas for the next few years.
36 year is a long time and don't forget that how difficult it is now, in 2018, to get some justice for sexual accusations - it was 10 times more difficult 36 years ago when women were even less visible and/or part of the law making, the political discussion, the doctors offices, than today. So if I told you how many women I know today that don't even dare to come forward with something that happened to them 2 years ago and it's now 2018... - I don't even want to think how much women 36 years ago were 'able' to come forward about this.
And yes, the ethics get very muddy if a trauma gets 'poked' and someone comes forward and politicians use it to their advantage. I would want to live in a world where justice could happen for no reason other than 'getting justice'.
I agree it must have been insanely hard to do come forward 36 years ago and it still is today. The problem is that we don't actually know if she experienced this trauma she claims to have gone through.