As a reporter, I have a knack for photographing informative, interesting, and sometimes odd things many people overlook. A few are newspaper-worthy but many are simply silly.
I title these photos “This is Texas, buddy. Get a pickup.” You see, here in Texas it seems about half the vehicles on the road are pickup trucks, so I find it funny when I see someone trying to ad-lib without one.
I pulled of the road to take this picture of a fellow buying a bed and dinning table.
I completely have no clue what this person is doing going down the highway with a stack of pallets in his trunk.
I saw a woman at the customer service counter of a large store insisting her new TV was broken when she got it home and opened it. After receiving a new replacement, she took it to the parking, stuck the thing untied into her trunk, and drove on her merry way. Hmmm...