
He fried his best unfortunately for him.She found his yolks distasteful. :)

This is Eggcentric! ahahhahah I always love your humor! I do hope they are both okay now!

hehe I'm always happy to make you laugh!

Always looking forward to what you'll post. Love it loads. ^^

Its innovative great.

hehe thank you!

Poor Mr. Egg. He is pitiful.

crack didn't help him, either haha

Egg-celent!!! :)

eggsactly. haha thanks

haha I do this to eggs, too! (draw faces on them, not make up stories about them :D )

omg that's awesome!! lol

Yes, on Easter, and also sometimes when I boil a few eggs and keep them in the fridge, I draw faces on all the boiled ones in order to distinguish them from the others :)

Here are my Easter eggs:

Haha! Thanks for making me smile tonight @nomadicsoul! You got very good humor =D

thanks for making me smile back!

Hahaha, this is too funny. 😂 I play with my food too, eggspecially when I don’t like it. Let me tag you if I ever find those pics...

I hope you do find them!

It's No EGG-ageration to say that this is an EGGs-tra Good Post ... LOL :) EGG-ceptional Funny! ;)

haha thank you!

Wow, see creativity in full expression.... Lol

Don't finish it all alone ooo

haha maybe there should be a part 2

I don't know how you will go about it, I just don't want to hear that it has finished..... Smile
My teeth are out already and my face covered with my palm.... Lol

She's cold, very cold. Hahahahahaahahahaha

she can't be cracked

Hard as rock hahaha. She needs to learn from your humour. You can crack her.

Kids do play with food, How your mind can think of it to play with food :-D
It seems that you have still have a kids mind inside :-)hahaha. you are so creative @nomadicsoul

haha yeah I do sometimes!! I tell myself that's a good thing

I love this. Eggspecially in the cracking up because it is eggsential to eggxplore the eggcitement in the Egg.

Thanks for playing with your food. I will tell mom 👅

hehe NOOOO don't tell her!!!

Lol, ok I won't :)