My Seven Lucky Steps To Building a Better Me and Becoming A Better Blogger

in #funny6 years ago

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself here again and

I've been under a tremendous amount of stress lately.


Fear Not!

For I think I finally have this blogging stuff figured out.

Rather than spiraling out of control and eventually going completely bonkers, yours truly, @NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself, am making the conscious decision to look deep within myself and hopefully come to a few conclusions that lead to some positive changes around here.

Now, I've been thinking about this all day and I firmly believe I have it all figured out.

With these Seven Lucky Steps, I'm certain I shall be able to produce solid content the whole world wants to see and at the same time:

Get My Ass on the Trending Page


Let's begin.

  • No more ranting.

  • No more calling out bullshit.
    If someone decides to set up a pyramid scheme on the trending page, these people are on their own, I won't say a word. Finding out the hard way is probably the best way to learn anyway. Besides, it's not every day an evildoer will politely introduce themselves while including their name and photograph to go along with their plans. It'll be far more entertaining watching them get caught and become someones bitch in prison. Good luck!

  • No more being smart.
    What happens is: I'm running a blog where I act like an idiot. It's quite successful and requires a lot of skill to achieve. If I let people know I'm not actually an idiot, they might have trouble believing I'm an idiot, and that could harm my brand.

  • No more telling minnows to fend for themselves.
    When I started here, as a minnow, I had to fend for myself. I had to work hard and deal with going unnoticed for a very long time before things started to pick up. Nobody wants to hear about how it took nearly two years and a lot of work to get where I'm at. It's better to act like one of those good parents who tells their kid who can't sing that they are the best singer in the world just so they don't have to listen to crying.

  • No more talking about the problems I see.
    I'll leave that up to the people who either don't make any money here, or the one's who get paid good to say what people want to hear, when they want to hear it.

  • No more taking verbal dumps on sycophants.
    A comment is a comment. If my wonderful information, perfect opinions, super funny to the point of hysteria humor, and best art in the history of the world truly is so great; whatever, fine, I'll just agree.

  • No more fucking swearing.
    Though I do possess an extensive repository of sesquipedalian prose within my thinker, I don't often utilize those words when I'm feeling loquacious. I also prefer my writings to be simpler for those who do not speak English as their first language. If I oversimplify, plus add curse words, smart people will think I'm of below average intelligence. That's not good for business. Smart people don't like those kind of people. One of the easiest ways to outsmart those smart people is to simply avoid using foul language, so that's what I'll do; then I can make more friends.

I seriously think that's going to help.


Wish me luck, everyone!

Even though this all sounds sarcastic as fuck and I already failed step seven, I truly believe, with enough willpower and your steady stream of encouraging words (That part is serious. Thanks for being there for me. I'm not perfect, you folks don't seem to mind; and when I'm down in the dumps, many of you come to try and pull me out. Take a bow, give yourselves a good pat on the back, all that fun stuff. Thank you.), I should be able to pull out of this mess and come out on top.

I can do this!

Have a nice day.

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Still can't seem to find my mind though."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse


-I like your brand of crazy, I hope you don't drop it!

"No more telling minnows to fend for themselves."
-I think we live in a time where people don't understand the difference between criticism and antagonism.

"No more taking verbal dumps on sycophants .......whatever, fine, I'll just agree."
-why agree, when you can leave it be............

"No more fucking swearing."

I think we live in a time where people don't understand the difference between criticism and antagonism.

We do.

I'll still be crazy. I can't help it anyway.

Now that's the spirit my man!

Check this out.
Screenshot (383).png

That is the spirit.

Ha ha! I guess maybe we were all feeling that you were giving in to the dark side. Had to encourage you to remain 'pitch black' :D
..................or we won't be getting those candies in our feeds.

Good luck! Aww too bad, finding out the extent of your swearing vocabulary and creative insults would be entertaining.


Oh, don't you worry, I'll still be entertaining. I'll just add warnings. Big signs that say, "I'm not being serious!" I dunno. I'll figure something out.

I thought you had plenty of such warnings littered through your text already. Seems like some people just won't be helped XD


Another great one from the maestro!

This is the most wonderful posting ever!

You are my mentor in all things funny and wise!

I have been working on my sycophantry. Please let me know how I'm doing, now you have ceased your verbal dumps.

That was fantastic! Marvelous! Bravo! Nobody does it better than me and I can tell because you said so!

Best day ever!

Flowers turn towards you as you pass, for you outshine the sun!

Too much?

Just don't call me sunshine.

Very well, "grasshopper" it is.

Great post, i like it a lot, i get you, doesn't mean i am smart,lol, i just feel you and also thanks for being so considerate to try to write in a simple way because of those non-native English speakers(like me), i actually checked a lot of the words in post here, and now i learned new words, thanks again, and keep it up, 看好你哦,don't really know how to translate this, lol.

We want our words to 'speak', not confuse. Though I try to keep things simple, I'll often use slang and idioms. Also, I often write humor. Those combined often lead to much confusion for non-native English speakers. There isn't much I can do to change that, but I'm usually available to answer questions! LOL

Your today’s post has a great energy today. I bet non of the 10 points will last. You are you, you are about drama, honesty, real life humor, not always, but that’s where you always end up being. That’s why we enjoy coming here, at least me. One day it’s about quitting, another about something totaly different. I have nothing more not totaly stupid to say so I will leave it at that.
BTW: looking forward and can’t wait for another “trending page assholes post”!😆

I'm all over the place. That I know. I mean well, that's the main thing. I've been sticking to much of my game plan though. I said I'd stop going to other blogs and making a scene, since then all of my comments outside of here have been peaceful. I'm just slowly removing the things that bother me and make my experience here difficult to deal with. I added a few more things now and I'll stick to them. Chilling out and having fun is the main thing.

Bahahah I don’t think I like the new @nonameslefttouse. Way too fuckin generic. 😆

I’ll join you in breaking #7.

Ok, on a more serious note... I feel like I see more and more people throwing up their hands and actually following some of the steps you’ve mentioned above. Honestly makes me a little nervous for this platform that people who used to care - don’t seem to anymore. I guess in time everything will shape out... and SMT’s have a lot of potential to change things. (Whenever they come out.)

I've seen this before. I wrote awhile ago how it's contagious and I've been trying to shake the bugs off myself, and it's not easy. I basically roasted myself here today. I still care about this place, deeply. I understand what growing pains are as well when it comes to things like this platform and everything else tied in. I have noticed a lot of the content producers do not feel valued here, and I'm not talking about rewards. It just feels like we're the last thing the place wants right now. They used to put us first. People felt welcome. Only the strong survive though and these vibes seem to come in waves. Highs and lows, just like those damn charts.

Hi, I'm a new follower of your blog, and I can say I just found a reason to come online more often. Do you have specific times when you post? I'd hate to miss every new episodes as they come. You are so real, thanks for that.
And one other thing. Your formatting methods, do you mind sharing how you arrange your texts in your posts please? Thanks a bunch.

Hi. It's nice to know I'm part of the reason you use this platform. It's an honor.

As for the formatting.
Screenshot (382).png

Pretty basic stuff. That's a screenshot of the box that opens up when we hit the 'submit post' button, with my words and code. You should be able to learn a bit by comparing the screenshot with the finished product above.

Thanks a lot sir. Much appreciated.

I hope that helps. Also, I don't have a specific posting schedule. My life is far too chaotic to be able to commit to certain times.

And just a friendly heads-up. Don't waste your votes. If the payout is under something like .025, it goes back to the reward pool. I won't see that penny. Use your votes on posts only, until you build up enough SP to be able to give out .03 or more.

Wow.. Thanks so much.. Do you know I actually don't know how the whole voting system works? I just come in here, sing, and hope its voted, and save my rewards, lol. I will actually read more about it soonest.

Many people don't know. Only use it for posts and people you enjoy. It's a waste voting for posts on the trending page. Find some like-minded people, work together, slowly build yourselves up. The more SP you have, the more you can give with your vote. Keep in mind the voting power is limited so at first you'll want to vote for about 10 posts per day, until you can adjust the voting power with a slider, then you can give out more lower powered votes. Try to vote for posts around 30 minutes after they've been published for best curation rewards. The more SP you have, the more curation reward you'll get each time you vote. You can trade SBD for STEEM in the market here and power that STEEM up as well to help speed up the process of accumulating STEEMPOWER(SP).

Thank you so much man. Blessings.

You should be able to rant all you want, this is a blogging website.

I honestly just want to entertain people. Many don't get my sense of humor so when I'm flying off the handle, some of the things I say are being taken far too seriously.

"JUST SAY YES AND TAKE IT UP THE ASS!" If blogging doesn't work out, you could always become a politician.

Hey! Maybe I should set up a witness account.

Wow, I imagine that would result in some epic rants lol

I did consider setting one up and learning about this stuff. Thought about using some of what I earned here to pay for the rig. I'm not as dumb as I look either. The thing is, I don't think many at the top are happy to have me around. Just like I already know my work won't trend, even after being around for so long, I don't think it would be wise to get involved there and find myself in the same boat after spending money.

Oh man you'd have a migraine headache every day is my guess lol Best I can tell, most of the Steem goes to a very small % of Steemians. I'll never trend, as Steemit grows and the rewards pool is shared between more and more people, rewards will become more and more scarce. What I can see happening is more people feeling comfortable using Steem as a currency to pay for goods and services on here, hopefully! lol

That was part of my original vision when I started. I thought I'd show my art, use my personality to help draw eyes to it instead of advertising and a sales pitch, then sell prints to those interested. Then I realized, I could potentially help start some kind of revolution where I share my work, get paid, plus you folks come along and get something for showing up. That was working incredibly well, but the corporate world stepped in and put a halt to it, though it's still working and could generate billions if more people caught on to the idea, but they don't see the potential. They'd prefer thousands it seems. It's a vision most can't see. I never thought of this place as a Facebook killer. I saw it more as a hub where creators create, then our work gets shared around the established circuits.

I enjoyed a lot this post, my friend! Regards from Venezuela ❤️

Thanks! I enjoyed this comment.

I think these are all important steps for self development and also for building one's personality in a positive way. your write-up has always been creative and artistic to read and it also inspires me alot

Thank you for this wonderful information.

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

, no more f****** swearing on my some good steps are my friend May the trending page find you

Troy, unfortunately, I'm not making it there again today. I'm sorry. I'll try again tomorrow.

I'm sorry to we had a house fire here at Mom's house about 4 days ago I apologize if I responded inappropriately I did the best I could under the stress I had thanks for understanding blessings to you

Don't worry about how you speak to me, man. We're all chillin' out.

@nonameslefttouse wishing you luck
For all your seven steps

Thanks! I'm going need it!

Keep up and in my opinion every individual knows what is good for himself/herself and they should listen to their inner self because our innerself is true guider and i hope and i wish that your decisions will give you fruitful results and also it will help in concentration towards your work and it will enhance your work more because no matter what we have to enhance our strong aspects because these strong aspects of our life gives meaning to our life.

And it's good to know your hard work on this platform and your words are reflecting that in two years you walked on the tough path and i have completed my 7 months journey on this platform, so i can understand what you would face in two years journey.

Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Good Luck! Could you also post a list of favourite artists that you support so we might also support them? That would seem to be a productive way of forwarding your goals for the platform too.

I'm just curating randomness now. Just people. I follow over 500 people, many have gone silent. There's no list to offer anymore. I'll give random shout outs in the future when I see some promise. The thing is, most of the time when I promote people, they still don't see consistent support. Many of my followers have their votes tied up. There's not enough to make everyone happy. The other day, one member pointed out how they weren't satisfied with $1.21 and my usual vote is only worth about that much. These aren't the kind of folks I can help. It's done, unfortunately.

Last month I went through my following list and removed everyone who hadn't done anything in 2 months. It was 20% of my list. I follow a tiny group of people that don't post daily and the rest is random. I sure was happy when my upvote went to .02 but now its max is .01 again. Oh, well. Steem Power is still accumulating.

This steps suck and your information as always, its useless and not wonderful at all.

When is the next vagina art coming out? There are some of use here only interested in the sex and not in "you" we only like the sex, its like... a hook up with a lady of the night. Hopefully you don't have herpes or worse thought.

Gay Richard Simmons