
You're here- Which means I have a blog to look forward to, amiright?
Dude, hahahaa, I want to order that shirt and send it to you- add a little steemit logo maybe ;)
And yup, it appears by the much larger number of the view counter that directing people off your blog does not make votes, loll, which is actually fine since I was not the focus of this ;)

Of course I would pick the whale dumping day to post it. Apparently that's what's happening 'round here, a big sbd dump that is making things a bit slowww. Ah well.

Well, I'm seeing about 80 or so views now. I really hope those few get more eyes on their work because of things like this, and for just being awesome. The picture at the top makes me cringe, but still, thanks for doing this.

Just hit 90 views in fact :) That's my hope too.

I love that picture, and you have to admit that it really looks meant to be on that shirt! Originally I just typed talent scout and ninja in google images and put the shirt in as is, but that big empty black space...I was looking at it and I thought-wasn't his meme black and yellow/gold? Sure enough, lol.

Hey, have you tried logging into chat by chance? You can't, and you'll find out why when you do try. You should get a discord, I've actually grown to like that better mostly because there's no glitching.