I worked in retail, long ago, for a long time. I've been on both sides of that line.
At the end of the day... this was just a comedy show, nothing more. I felt like yelling my head off and it felt good! I'm actually completely burned out from all the energy this took out of me. Probably sleep well now, if I ever get the courage to stop working....
Hey, I wasn't trying to guilt you! I mostly wanted an excuse to make the #2 joke.
Go easy on me, huh? I'm not so good with the funny business, like you are. It's why I have to be so serious all the time. :)
It's all good! I'm half asleep. That's all. This took either minutes to write. See that? It's supposed to say eight but I'm too lazy to go fix it. I gotta go! LOL.. wtf