Well now, it's been a year or so
photo credit: pixabay.com
since my hip surgery
About to have my hip replacement at a hospital in Athens last year. I can't
even straighten my left leg. photo credit: @twiceuponatime
In addition, I had been quite inactive
for several years before that due to the hip condition.
Still, before taking the drastic step of a hip replacement,
and after several years of hoping the pain would go away, LOL,
I gave stem cell therapy a try.
But I found it gave only a little,
and only temporary, relief.
Undergoing stem cell therapy in Vancouver. photo credit: @twiceupontime
So, as you could well imagine,
it has been a very long time since I have had
any real exercise at all!
And it shows!
photo credit: pixabay.com
That's all fine and dandy, @onceuponatime,
But from whence do you propose to get the motivation
to come back to fitness from such a deplorable state?
After all, it ain't easy!
photo credits: pixabay.com
Well, being of a rather devious character,
(sometimes I do come under the nefarious influence
of my demented alter-ego, @twiceuponatime)
I could easily pretend that my motivation
is due to my involvement in cryptos
(bitcoin, steem, eos, bitshares and such).
That is,
I could plausibly claim to be getting in shape
for the coming wars between
centralization and decentralization!
photo credits: pixabay.com
But @twiceuponatime mocked me mercilessly:
"Who's going to believe that, you fool?"
"Certainly not her:"
photo credit: pixabay.com
"Furthermore," @twiceuponatime hissed:
"everyone knows crypto is for nerds,
and that you spend 12, 14, 18 or more
hours a day behind a computer screen!"
photo credits: pixabay.com
So how did I overcome @twiceuponatime's bullying?
To come up with the motivation to get back in shape?
I do wish it was something noble
that I could say was the key
it was just VANITY that got the best of me :-)
After all, who wants
to look down and, for the rest of his life,
see only his stomach, never his shoes?
"so that's the real reason for your 'Don't forget to look up' post, you hypocrite!"
said @twiceuponatime
Don't forget to look up!
photo credit: @twiceuponatime
photo credit: @twiceuponatime
photo credit: @twiceuponatime
photo credit: @twiceuponatime
photo credit: @twiceuponatime
Let's Get Healthy!!!
photo credits: pixabay.com
photo credits: @twiceuponatime
ouzo and out,
It's a good a reason as any!
You don't think that some reasons are better than others? For instance, I could have used a better reason than "The dog ate my homework", with my teacher, back in the day. It would have saved me a lot of grief :-)
Lol, some are definitely better than others. The dog eating the homework gets points for its classic timelessness!
I think that I might have gotten a little better at "excuses" since my school days :-)
Ha! Do we ever get better at them? I thought I did, but I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who thinks so, which means the only one I got better at making excuses for-- is me ;)
But dude, who cares? Why do we care about this shit at all? lol! You look amazing to me.
Which brings me to the last thing I need to say- it was quite magical, once upon a time like, to find that you followed me yesterday- but while you and I have music in common (we've had some pearl jam back and forths over the past 18 months lol) I am not my brother, who wrote that amazing song. I write novels, and I screw around with blogging and photography, that's what I do. I think it's really cool (magical) that you followed me, but I don't care if you never vote on my posts. I'm serious about that. I don't care. I am just me. I've learned lessons from the whales that have been here since the beginning-- make another account. lol. Much easier to find the real people, the down to earth, not trying to get something from you people- when you're not a big fish.
Sorry for hijacking your comment stream me boom! I'll blame the sweet, sweet beer, XO!
Bloody beer, it's at the root of everything :0)
You can hijack my
dreamsstreams anytime :0DIt is! Though I generally choose to believe it's the root of good things (unless of course I've made a fool of myself, then of course EVIL)
LOL! If I knew how to do the cross out thing (HOW do you do the cross out thing, and WHY don't I know how by now?) I would have a much more fun response then Streams are the new Dreams! ;)
I feel like something is starting to burn inside me (I hope it is not an acid reflux). I feel like it is time to start being healthy!
Starting to work hard... from tomorrow... Or maybe the day after tomorrow... I'm almost there!!
And when you get hungry I bet you open your mouth wide and wait for a roast chicken to fly into it :-)
This line was a killer!
Everything is in our head...
We decide whether we'll be happy or unhappy, active or inactive...
And the fact that you decided to start these activities especially after the hip problem, indicates a man with strength (mental and physical) and also a man who's will for LIFE is greater than any physical problem.
This is an example for all of us. Motivation at its finest.
Have a great day @onceuponatime
(He won't listen to me!)Please tell @twiceuponatime that a mind is a terrible thing to waste :-)
I will if ever I meet him!
If you start hanging out around the seedier sides of town you are bound to run into him soon enough :-)
Well sounds good to me :-) Looking forward to such a meetup!!
Congratulations for starting work out. I am going to start too, though I never been a sports person.
Keep up the great work @onceuponatime! ☺️
"Soon" doesn't count! Tell me the date that you are going to start.
I know!!! On 05.06.2018, because I am away until 04.06.2018.
I will be back with an update then to show you that I am determined!!!
I really like the photo that you hold the t-shirt! However, the slogan: "DONT DREAM, WORK HARD", I would say:
Work hard and keep on dreaming! 😉
Yes, I agree. Except that most people only dream and forget about doing the hard work :-)
I'm... getting back at it after a loooong winter!
You have the advantage that you can practice your craft (sing) while you work out :-)
one of the hardest things I encountered is when I wanted to start working out after 4 months of junk eating and just being lazy... I did it though. Funny thing is, I enjoyed working out and at one point (around Christmas) I lost the desire for it... I'm happy to say: I LOVE working out once more! It makes me feel good, look good and it's simply a nicer and healthier life... Stay strong my friend :)
Thanks for your inspiration!
Let's Get Healthy!!! It is an encouragement that has been left out of action for me for many years. I have to start(before will be too late) and your attitude is a good example. Thanks!
Wow! A good example! I usually get called a "bad influence" :-)
Sometimes even a bad influence can be useful...
It was only a matter of time as being healthy and autonomous has always been priorities in your life, unless something more important showed up inadvertently!
Good to see you jump in those shoes and back on "tracks"... ;)
Namaste :)
And are you losing your baby fat too? :-)
Lately, I have been missing the Greek olive oil and purposefully add up a whole bunch in my hummus... I gain a bit of fat after loosing quite a bit!?. I guess I am keeping a fairly healthy balance that way? ;)
Namaste :)
Thanks for today’s technology and crypto! Without it you wouldn’t have new hip and motivation. Don’t let @twiceuponatime beat you!
@twiceuponatime is a wimp. He has no chance against me!
To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost. LOL
Truer words were never spoken!
Hahahahahaha this really made me laugh.
Look who just hit the gym, yaaay!.
I am really sorry about your hip. That must have been a moment for you, and i am glad you are past that stage. You see why you and @twiceuponatime are inseparable? He was there for you and with you the whole time. Hahahaha
He pretends to not care, but actually I think that @twiceuponatime is rather attached to me :-)
Hahahaha why won't he be attached to you? You are one funny, lively and impressive person. Who wouldn't?
Congratulations, mate!!! You are doing the RIGHT thing for your health (first) and body secondly ;)))
I just wish you had bought some Adidas instead of Admiral shoes 😜
I know, eh? If I was wearing Adidas today in the gym, I'm pretty sure I would not have even had to bother with a workout. The glow from the shoes would have melted the fat away :-)
Once upon a time you were unable to strengthen your legs . But now you engage in activities.
Once upon a time your hips was gonna be replaced
Now you can sit and do some bench workout.
Health is wealth they say . Good to see you jump
Does "Once upon a time + Once upon a time" = twiceuponatime?
mathematical expression
1once + 1once = ?
1 + 1 = 2
1once + 1once = 2twice
"Once upon a time + Once upon a time" = twiceuponatime {mathematically proven} lol
Good luck, and you’re already lucky cuz you can let @twiceuponatime work out half the time for you
i am going to insist that he work out twice as much as me - to live up to his name :-)
You’ve got it all figured out haha ;)
I agree with you. It's time to get healthy, even though I know how hard it is to do it when you are having pain problems, but starting somewhere and slow is always good way to start.
Good luck @onceuponatime. Remember No Pain, No Gain!
"No Pain, No Gain!"
Who invented that system?
You look to be doing OK if you are back in the gym. I wish I could do the same, but I have my ailments too. I need a face lift as you can see?
A little botox, a tummy tuck, some collagen, and I'm sure you will be fine :-)
If you wanna see your shoes you gotta be best friends with the elliptical trainer.
Are you speaking from experience?
Yes, this is where I do my cardio. It's like the treadmill, but it doesn't strain the joints.
Moreover, I would suggest downloading an app to count steps.
Pacer is the one I use ( it's also free ).
Aim for 6000 steps for starters and then 10000 steps per day.
Wish you more muscle mass and less body fat. :)
Able-bodied and iron from here on!! 😀
I have two questions :))
1)Really, do not you bored at the gym ???
Hey, this is a family blog!!!!
xaxaxa....NSFW (now i can ask you...) :ppp
Get luck man i hope you win! lol
Health and exercise extends your life. The pain as well worth the gain when you do that. Eating healthy is also important. If you eat donuts you become a donut you got to eat good stuff. Thanks for sharing and promoting a healthy lifestyle
When I was young, I always wanted to be a donut if I grew up. Unfortunately, I never grew up :-)
You better pull those damn socks up!
You sound like my effing parents!
HA! Mine used to say, "Get those dirty feet off the floor and put some damn socks on!"
And they were right!!!!
But I didn't listen and I still have bare feet! I can walk on rocks and feel no pain!
But can you walk on water and not sink? Until then, do as your parents tell you.
Yes sir.
your faced quite a hard time,
I can feel it,
I hope you are fine now.
Glad to see you get back to work out.
My best wishes are with you.
Thank you.
"""helth is welth"""
Hope you get back with well fitness
I will.
It's true!
This is a very moving story, I will not talk about what you lived, I'll congratulate you for your achievements and formidable recovery, you must continue taking care at all costs, but remember to look down, take care please.
Why are you
Shout it out, I just wanted to get your attention with slightly larger letters, I'm glad that soon you'll be completely healthy.
Depends on what "want" has to do with your aim. What I want is my "aim". So I adjust my wants to take me towards my aim :-)
got motivated to see you in the gym......i m fond exercises too.....wish you best of luck to achieve your goals....May God bless you a healthy life
Thanks for your kind words.
always welcome sir
You forgot to tell it was your right bum or left?
and how's you doing now?
Man, that's awfully personal :-)
What's personal in sharing with your steemit family? :o
Well man it really gets hard to resume the workout after a gap. I am personally having the same issue, It has been about 2 months I didn't workout. I blame my busy routine more than any other factor. But hopefully I would get regular to it soon.
Two months isn't too bad. I was many years with no workout.
I sakin you are a strong person, everything you have done well. Our age is very dependent on health. hopefully you relax through your old age without any pressure from anyone, because it's the dream of all parents. I hope your day is always fun @onceuponatime :)
Fun? What's that?
Sorry Sir,, I think seriously.. Lol
You're so brave! I admire you for don't letting life circunstances beat you! Doing exercise is the best you can do for a better life quality.. I recommend you to focus on strenght training because cardio seems to much for your hip. And also, strenght training will increase your muscle mass around your hip reducing pain and increasing your estability!
What if I only want to look hot for the summer? LOL
Hahaha that's a good reason too, we all deserve to look at the mirrow and be confident with what we see. But exercise can make you live better and longer, so watching it as a way to be healthier will make easier to stick with it in the long-term!
Sorry you have such tiring and unpleasant experience concerning your health, I'm happy you are getting more better compared to years back. Like you have said steemit itself is actually exercise in disguise because you will have to stay awake for many an anxious hours staring at the screen though could not be compare to physical training anyway for those who are able body.
Getting heal first as soon as possible would make this feeling fade away gradually, spending more time trying to get over your sorrows by engaging in activities that take your time more, just like steemit. Life is vanity, vanity upon vanity, we are not always completed when it comes to our needs in life, I'm surely one will be lacking in one area or the others.
But, without my sorrows, who would I be?
You own the gym??? xD Or you are an early bird??? As I can't see anyone in there...
Do you think it could be my breath? And my best friends don't tell me?
Lol lol well you need to ask a stranger then if you want to learn the truth...
You are right with the title of this piece, vanity upon vanity, that is life for us all, we have to see life as something ephemeral that would surely fade away one day. You are looking good now thanks goodness over some years of pain I'm happy to see you getting better. Soon enough you will be on your feet and practice a desirable exercise you want. Thanks for sharing your personal experience with us. Life is indeed vanity, getting more money doesn't make one happy.
It makes me happy :-)
Omg sir you are the real motivation for all of us. when i read the title i was surprised but now i understand how brave you are God bless you always stay happy healthy always :)
Vanity shouldn't surprise anyone :-)
I may be in the prime of my life, but even I can feel my blood pressure rising and my joints creaking if I don't exercise for too long.
Maybe you'll end up ripped if you keep at it, who knows?
I'll ask my future self :-)
big congratulations to you get decision to keep healthy better and then fitness your body. In fact exercise much important. Seems you're tired with gym activities. Keep going with health & cryptos. Wish you the best.
@onceuponatime, My Nice photography taken @twiceuponatime.
""all is well = mind set up

""Helth is wealth=-fitness fact...""
we need both side as well for our daily life.
Wish you best of luck
It is very important to keep the health healthy and to keep healthy. There is no substitute for exercise. It is very important that you have some kind of exercise in the film.
Wooooow! I hope you get better
What really happened to your hip. Was it due to an accident or something else?
Now you have recovered wholly or the temporary relief is just in place?
Looking up will surely do some business, like we can get motivation, we have to reach to the skies.
weight gain @onceuponatime
That's so sad but only God knows the best and only he knows why it happened
You went through this and still funny,you are so strong!
If you do everything you should do, and do not do anything you should not do, you will, according to the best available statistics, live exactly eighteen hours longer than you would otherwise. LOL
Crypto wil always be here waiting for you, but your health comes first . Motivate yourself by his words , prove him wrong that you CAN kick ass in the gym .
Wishing you a speedy recovery and healthy life
First of all I wish you all the best with your hip issue. Secondly if I were you I would ask for a nutrition program from a specialist and I would try something more traditional than gym like Yoga or a traditional martial art in order to have a schedule to follow every week without excuses. In addition you will meet new people who may motivate you..
Good luck on your effort anyway !
My doctor recently told me that jogging could add years to my life. I think he was right. I feel ten years older already.
One suggestion.... just try the mobile app "7 minutes".
It is good seeing you in something more active than ouzo by the sea!
"Control in our world runs by force. Physical force" at 14:50min.